View Full Version : Its 4am freakig out

10-15-2013, 04:13 AM
I'm having an anxiety attack and at a bad time. It started when I woke up at 3:30am, and my tummy was itchy. Just over a week ago I had my home heat treated, because I found some bed bugs (ew!!). It was not infested but there were some. So I had exterminators come in, and did this heat treatment that is non toxic, as I have cats and young kids. My home is built in the 1950s and had renters that were total slobs and hoarders, and there are cracks in the bottom of the wall between the wall and floor in some places. They would not treat the basement saying the bugs stay around people. I worried some may have gone into those cracks and hid in the Basement. Guess I was right!! Am freaking... I had bites like 5 on my tummy. Bed bugs bite in clusters often. I'm drinking wine and took a clonazapam. If I tell my husband he's going to freak out. And I'm worried he will freak out on me too--- even though its not my fault. My husband has a bad temper and no he doesn't hit me... But when he's really angry gets verbal. And he has to back up north to work another 10 days. So I'm wondering if I should take my kids to the hardware store and buy a sealant and bug spray and fill in the cracks and call the externminstors with or without telling him. I don't want him to worry about me or the kids or get mad. But I want this issue fixed now before any bugs lay eggs ---- and it freaks me right the F out!!! Vampire bugs sneaking out to crawl on you and suck your blood. Btw bed bugs can happen to ANYONE! As they are attracted to our CO2 we breathe and our body heat. They thrive in cluttered areas because they have more places to hide. I keep my home very clean and uncluttered--- I'm very organized. I grew up in the country and I'm not squeamish about bugs but this is totally different.
What do you think I should do??
Both of my kids crawled into my bed so I am in my sons.

10-15-2013, 04:32 AM
Of anyone is out there I could use someone to talk to as I don't want to message any if my friends if they are sleeping right now it's 4:27am here. Think I'll tell the hubby and get things sorted on the morning to get rid of what bugs hid. Have to seal all cracks... And do this as I think there must only be a couple of bugs that got away. I am crying and worried how my husband will react ... But if I tell him it will be easier to use the vehicle to get things done before he leaves for work at noon. I took pics of the bites As they go down after a couple of hours.. To prove. If you read this thread hours after posted I may have made my decision as my son is an early waker upper and up in 2-3 hours from now

10-15-2013, 07:06 AM
Bug and spider bites freak me out so much. You reminded me of one of the few things that gives me health anxiety still. Whenever a spider bites me, sometimes even when a mosquito bites me, or any kind of creepy, crawly bites me, I freak out and think I am dying. I hate them so much.

If your husband has a bad temper, I don't blame you at all if you just take care of things yourself without telling him.

10-15-2013, 07:11 AM
Sorry. ..just seeing this now....what did you end up doing?

10-18-2013, 05:00 AM
I've been waking up at 3-4 am anxiety ridden and found 3 bugs in my bed. Can't sleep. I bought a sealant for drywall and wet around my entire main floor and sealed cracks mainly from floor to wall. I think the bugs have been hiding In there and traveling from main floor to basement. I'm soooo freaked out. Tomorrow I'm going to buy some big spray and while I go out with my family the next day I'm going to put my cats in the garage and spray bomb my home. Saw babies so obviously a couple bugs got away and reproduced. Also saved the dead bug shells ( beg Bugs are best killed squished --/ if they have fed they squirt blood... It's so gross?) to prove it the exterminators did not treat my basement as they said it was not nesesary. Yeah right. I have seen no signs of them except my room. So yeah I'll be phoning them. I did tell my husband--- and he didn't freak out. Thank God! But won't tell him I see more now unlit I talk to the exterminators and demand something to be done.
Again I'm not the kind of person squeamish about bugs. Grew up on a farm and I'm always catching at taking bugs outsider from in-- Just the be bug thing gets into my head- they are obviously had to get rid of. And I'm so clean and organized and there is little clutter in my home ( mainly in my 5 year old daughters room is the clutter and she accumulates so much stuff need to get more bins and organizing shelves now.
So still freakin the F#€K out !!!!!!

10-18-2013, 05:01 AM
Oh as on the topic of Mosquito bites spit on them as rub salt into them to relive itching. :)

10-18-2013, 01:10 PM
I think it's because with anxiety, you can't stand things that are out of control. Bugs reproduce so fast that they feel out of control. The exterminators didn't get rid of them all which further made them seem out of control. I hope that makes some sense.

10-19-2013, 05:32 AM
Yes that is TOTALLY one reason this is getting to me... Because I feel not in control--- especially since I thought I was after my home was fumigated. And it's a TOTAL misnomer that bed bugs only live in dirty and/ messy homes. 1) they feed off of humans... And 2) my home even with two young kids stays very clean and I'm an organize freak... I have a bin and shelf for all my kids toys and label them.. I don't like clutter on my floors. I get my daughter to pick up things off her floor every night... I hate hate things on my floor that don't belong there and hate dishes on my counter if I can help it-- especially at night. Anyways sometimes there are the odd crumbs I don't get with having kids... Sometimes cat fur and again crumbs on the rugs ( I have hard wood floors throughout my home)... But keep it very clean--- and have mattress covers... And recently went over the upstairs and sealed cracks everywhere. So I have to wonder where the little F*€KERS are hiding?

SO I MOVED ALL FURNITURE AND SPRAYED ALL OVER WITH BUG SPRAY AND CLEANED LIKE CRAZY MINE AND MY DAUGHTERS ROOMS. I got one bite earlier and it triggered my anxiety and OCD like crazy!! Went nuts checking my room and bed over and over and spraying my room again. It got REALLY bad. Took double my clonazapam dosage just to calm down.

This whole bug thing is driving me crazy... I keep feeling like bugs are on me. It's become an OCD now--- and I can't help it until I know they are all gone.

10-19-2013, 07:57 AM
You react at least like normal person. I have awful fear of cockroaches a back home I moved a few times because of them. Europe is build differently you have no control when you live in apartment. this is where most people live. In the last decade bed bugs become a problem. They are everywhere and of course they developed resistance to sprays. My friend just trow away all mattresses, and sofas, used a few bombs and got new furniture. He kill them good. It is in NY where is investigation of bed bags. If I was you I would die on the spot. You fighting them and that's the best. Tell us how it goes?