View Full Version : Worried

10-15-2013, 03:28 AM
Iv woken up and I felt fine. Until I get out of bed and remember iv got work soon. Stomachs in knots I hate it. I need to stay calm but I can't.

The problem I have is I stress myself out too much and end up with a headache or a migraine from tensing and stressing. It's never ending

10-15-2013, 05:23 AM
How do you feel when you wake up on days you don't have to go to work? Im wondering if different routines affect you in any way? Is there something about your job which makes you worry?

10-15-2013, 05:30 AM
When I have a day off and I'm not doing anything that I can't get out of I'm fine. Iv been defeated I'm not going work. My stomach is burning and feel like I'm going to be sick and this is my worst nightmare. Throwing up is the scariest thing for me and I panic. And that's what has happened this morning. I went bed with heartburn so had some gaviscon and woke up with it and after breakfast it got worse. And now I'm sweating shaking trembling crying I'm petrified keep getting watery mouth and think I'm going to be sick and then the panic gets worse and then my stomach burns even more from stress.

10-15-2013, 05:40 AM
Sorry to hear you are feeling like this right now :( For the physical symptoms could you try some chamomile or peppermint tea to calm your stomach? Im almost 30 now but from when i was really little, starting school til i was about 20, before any stressful situation - new job, new course, interview for something,... any new experience really, i would throw up. I used to do it every morning before school in my first year of high school, - it became a habit - wake up, throw up, be too stressed to eat breakfast, rush to school. It became a habit before a lot of new experiences, then it would happen when i was going to see a show, i would hve to make sure i was sitting near a door "just in case" i had to vomit, then i would panic about the thought of me vomiting, which would then make me feel sick. A bad cycle. I cant really remember how i got out of this phase of vomiting, because i dont do it anymore, but i do get severe heartburn from anxiety when i am in a cycle of overthinking negative thoughts.
would it help to wake up a bit earlier to give yourself a bit more time to calm down before work? perhaps go for a walk in the morning to break the normal routine? maybe you have already tried this but i remember for me it helped calm this real rushed feeling that went with it when i knew i had extra time up my sleeve.

10-15-2013, 05:51 AM
See I do that. Always making sure I'm where I can escape In case I need to get out bt if I am out n I get a panic come as soon as my body is through that door I'm calmer and after half hour I'm so calm n relaxed. Every since I can remember iv been like this. Holidays parties staying at a friends school trips public transport. Thinking about getting a dog to encourage me to get out n walk and exercise

10-15-2013, 06:02 AM
Hi littleone123,

Remind yourself you have a choice only you can decide whether you stay at work know one can force you to stay there, someone told me that on here and it helps to see it in a different light as I too have a fear of going to work but cannot put my finger on what it is I fear but knowing I can walk out any time I like helps me contain myself for now but I haven't yet started so what will happen I don't know but I've been making steps and have yet not been put off. I used to fear being sick and I still do but what I fear the most is when I'm sick it prevents me from breathing whilst actually vomiting and then I panic.

I don't take any meds due to fear of being sick as every single med I have taken I suffered from severe nausea and spent my time being sick and then trying not to fall asleep as I'm scared ill die lol !

10-15-2013, 06:16 AM
I know deep down if I could over come the fear of sick and feeling sick I could tackle this so much better. So many things I want to do and this is stopping me. I feel such a wimp and a freak and I can't help but think why has this happened to me. :(

10-15-2013, 09:17 AM
Been signed off for a week because of the pain in my stomach. Hopefully give me a chance to heal a bit n get control of my anxiety. Get some exercise.

10-15-2013, 02:19 PM
Ok all day my stomach has been in terrible terrible pain. Nothing is getting rid of it. I eat every time I'm hungry yet still the pain is unbearable and is like a dagger in my belly when the food touches it

10-15-2013, 02:24 PM
Ive been the same today my stomache/sides are really hurting me and once again ive diagnosed myself with appendicitus and i'm freaking myself out! :(

Even thou its more than likely my IBS

10-15-2013, 02:33 PM
Mines just below my breast area it's so painful I can't wear a bra. It's like a burning sensation

10-15-2013, 02:35 PM
Yeah ive had that before! They told me it was costochondritus (where my chest wall was tense) and to take ibuprofen to reduce any inflammation, also try rubbin vicks on the area that helped me :)

10-15-2013, 02:57 PM
Iv looked that up doesn't seem to be what iv got. Mines inside my upper stomach

10-16-2013, 09:51 PM
Just a thought, and not diagnosing you or anything but its good to get things checked to rule them out: Once i got so stressed with a job i was at that i developed gastritis - inflammation of the stomach lining which caused me to be sick every morning at 2am like clockwork, and go for hours!! it was awful. Hope you are feeling better today :)

10-16-2013, 09:52 PM
Sorry, as i posted that i just realised there were more posts i hadnt read. sorry if ive just repeated something youve already said. Im new to this forum posting stuff haha.