View Full Version : I need answers

12-21-2007, 11:14 PM
I think that I am experiencing a panic attacks brought on by back muscle tension, general stress and caffeine. I often will get a feeling like I cannot rest or feel at peace in my mind and body I feel like I am in trouble or helpless.-this usually happens at night I start thinking about my weight and how out of shape I am issues in my life that will never be fixed coupled with feeling Closter phobic my chest feels heavy and tight like I am having a hard time breathing. I feel my heart rate pick up and I cannot bring it down. I feel like I’m in a grey cloud and cannot get out! I can usually feel the attack coming on slowly but I think that the only way I can fight it is to get like a pain killer or a heavy something to knock it out.-which I won’t do This is very scary for me and I don’t know what to do. Please help!!

12-22-2007, 07:03 AM
specify if you can what is your biggest issue - if this is your external appearance then you need to work on that - i know that this of course is easier said than done...

if your attacks happen mostly at night as you say, try to stop thinking by engaging in sth different, for example watch the TV until you fall asleep, or even better, try to read sth

do not turn immediately to medication, discuss it with your friends or with a phychologist

i hope this will be of some help to you...good luck and have faith that this will pass :)

12-22-2007, 10:02 AM
I think the cause of your panic is that you're out of shape. Back pain can be caused by being out of shape as well. It's time to do something about that and not just dwell on it. Join a gym or if you don't have enough money to do that, start jogging, sprinting, doing push ups, pullups, any thing that will make you sweat.