View Full Version : Meditation

10-14-2013, 04:49 PM
Look in to this please guys. It's proven to help anxiety and helped me no end, please though be patient, I tried for weeks and it didn't help but after 6 weeks of 20/30mins meditation a day I was noticing the difference, it was amazing!!!

There's a good TED talk on how it can literally reshape your brain and areas of the brain which cause anxiety. Google it "how mediation can reshape our brains"

10-14-2013, 05:26 PM
Thanks for posting this. I try and meditate a little each day and I would like to increase the amount of time I spend doing this. I believe in the benefits of meditation and I have found a lot of what I've read about Eastern philosophies - especially buddhism - to be very helpful.

10-14-2013, 05:27 PM
I second this. Been a life saver for me, quite literally!

10-14-2013, 07:16 PM
Mediation helps to calm the body down. The mind over the body , yes? Buddysm is the most beautiful religion. If I was religious person, I would chose buddysm, actually it more a way of living in peace with all around, than the religion:))

10-14-2013, 08:21 PM
Agreed about meditating, however I don't believe Buddhism to be a religion. It is a way of life that does not subscribe to the Idea of a God in the way western religion so commonly bases its belief. It's hard not to taint such ancient teachings with our own cultural imprinting, however assimilating the core of the message of eastern philosophy whilst appealing at first glance can take a life time to truly understand. IMO meditation with eastern philosophy is actually regarded quite conflicting with most western religions, as whilst one seeks to draw strength from a higher power outside themselves, the teachings of mindfulness currently in the west is to focus on ones inner being and draw from that.

It is enough for me to say that my religious family will not visit me anymore, as I indeed subscribe to the ideals of eastern philosophies as taught in the east and the various concepts of mindfulness as taught by Eckhart Tolle & Jon Kabat-Zin. AKA -(BODY SCAN Proponent) Ideals, such as giving up the desires for more, by accepting less - creating more space in which to breath ... both in ones head and environment. Not only does it conflict with prosperity but also man's surpassing techno evolutionary mindset to which it can not keep pace with.

Not sure about this talk of Awakening or conscious evolution ... for me, it's non evident although it's good to be hopeful and encouraging. I feel that's the westernizing to some kind of degree that branches out into all kinds of books and profitable marketing. If your mentally unstable like me, I highly suggest just sticking with learning to float ... then perhaps swim.

I've been at it for a long time ... and still "don't know" but accepting that and learning how acceptance plays it's part in being able to breath and stop with the constant thinking is AWESOME!!!! Being attentive to how each part of the body is feeling is a great start with the Body scan technique ... It really is a very pleasant feeling when the mind shuts down and for even the most fleeting of moments, you sense something inside yourself that's not influenced, controlled or imprinted as in our waking moments. Your not really asleep, nor thinking, yet you hear another in your head. It speaks as if its you, yet you feel some distance ... I find it quite pleasing, reassuring and comforting ... whatever one wants to call it ... for me, I see it as my true nature and nothing more. It is all the good and compassion in me and when I meditate that's what I like to make contact with.

Without my meditations, I am very much unstable and quite a mess. Absolutely ... Meditating is the Best!
PS ... it's not just about sitting and breathing ... but those of you, who practice on a regular basis will already know that. If your a million miles in hour inside your head ... just read up/listen to it while your doing something else ... it's so powerful that you can multitask it, until eventually it sinks in, and you find yourself ... everywhere you go. (Book to read - "Everywhere You Go There You Are_ -Jon Kabat-Zin")

That's how it all works for me.

10-14-2013, 08:46 PM
As I said :)) is more a way of living in peace with everything and all the creatures on this world , with meditation you get the peace we struggle for. I know because I was there, then I stopped. There were days without the meds and anxiety, at least my anxiety did not lower quality of my life. I promise myself I will go there again....

10-15-2013, 01:36 AM
As I said :)) ....

I required no further explanation of your own opinion as I both respected and read it the first time around Dahila. I'll explain as much to say that the word "religion" is a trigger word, that prompted me think myself, how "I" view Buddhism and meant nothing more of it that. (I fear I said we too much /srry about that) My sincere apologies that I perhaps did not word my response to include such or should of been better with redirecting towards myself (I'll learn from it). I have read in many other places that people tend to develop a misconception about various philosophies as they tend to view them as religion & also how selling an idea can also complicate the various contexts of meditation. Although meditation is somewhat rather spoken of as a simple act ... I find it reveals many different paths to different people. Religion and meditation no doubt has it's place, however I regard the act of meditation without such boundaries, as close as one can come, to being free whilst doing the things they love.

It really is a beautiful thing when using meditation like such to find peace within oneself. I for one do hope you find yourself at that place you wish to be Dahila. As for myself -> I'll be still taking my meds as they serve a different purpose with my chemical imbalances and I know through my own experiences despite how effective meditation is, as too exercise and many other routines ... that my medicine has it's place as to does anxiety ... but that's another story.

I too no longer lay on the ground and scan my body. But I still meditate in the things I enjoy doing and the process is very much the same. I choose to take my hyper awareness and zone it into a whole new void when I either pick up my camera and begin to draw. Learning all about how our minds try to control us and all the other aspect within those various philosophies is what I mean...when I say it's much more than just sitting straight and breathing deeply ... That's about as far as many people go ... yet those doors that open with all those branches are usually left untapped because once we finish the act and or gathering, we think that's our fill and all is done, however the real trick is to keep going from one moment to the next without even thinking of when the next session is or whats to come. (sure some people need plans - but I'm talking about as we go through life without the worry of past and present)

Alas ... I'm loosing focus now and that happens. Had a good day out in the yard today. I'll go with what ever you say. How's that grab ya? ;)

10-15-2013, 07:37 AM
No, no I did not talk about religion. I have no cave called religion to hide myself in. Buddysm is not religion, even people describe it as one. The key is starting to accept yourself and as you said, finding the peace inside you. You have the universe inside u, it is easy. .. I should start doing it again. I have no idea why I quit it after a years of meditating :(

10-15-2013, 02:18 PM
smiles/drops his guard, waves the white flag and rolls out the red carpet ... Procrastination is my biggest hang up when it comes to putting things off. Lately I have been thinking how hard it is for kids today. They just don't get the support that once came instinctively years ago. Still trying to think on how to write about that with a positive spin in another thread. My wife and I are hopeful that the generations to come may actually of reached a point that so many of us need to be, before we say enoughs enough & make the changes the must be take place in order that society might actually reconnect on a level that counts.

Perhaps our leaders need to reflect more on how the world was once for them as opposed for many now. Also many of them need to let go both of their positions and of much the context of what is discussed in forums like these. As I say ... that's for a different post.

May I ask Dahila, when you do feel motivated or seek for some kind of distraction ... what kind of interests do you have?

10-15-2013, 08:03 PM
countless hobbies, and passions. Art, dogs, I trained and breed German boxers for years. I also judged them on dog shows but not here, in Europe. Literature, Sci fiction movies and nature movies. Natural health and herbs, reiki, Zen, buddysm, even Islam. Generally I am interested in religions. I am also interested in medicine, and I regretted my choice of career back home. I should study something connected to medicine. My last passion is making my own cosmetics and dropping my allergies because of that;))) Reading book, I love books. I love nature and animals. I am gardening and it is my passion too.
Next life time I am going to come back in some remote place as a healer :) and of course without the anxiety.
Maybe my pursuing of so many subjects, did not allow me to became a specialist in anything...:( It probably added to my anxiety and panic attacks.
My biggest inspiration is nature, as you see I have a lot of interest to distract me. I am rather like to limit it, so it would be easier to focus on myself :) Ponder you are from a beautiful country, I have a few friends there. I am interested in aboriginal arts

10-16-2013, 01:15 AM
I use to show my pair of staffordshire bull terriers around the ring many years ago. Yea, I love my sci/fi too, particularly early to 80's/90s (not sure about the direction into fantasy, but don't mind the odd read on that subject) I wish they would release stargate SG1 on Bluray ... at least Next Generation Star Trek is about fully released now. I actually got a massage table, but admitadley I have to do more work with it. Actually it's not such a bad way to get back in my wife's good books :) ... We love growing herbs and my wife will try all sorts of natural remedies to ease her MS ... Actually just about everything you said there is on par with us.

Jack of all trades and master of self ... hehehe Thanks for sharing that with me ... seems many of us are alike more than we may think. I like reading but having trouble finishing what I start ... unless it's a riveting Sci/fi book. Audio books are good for getting a message across for me.

Glad you like the look of Australia ... it has some pretty diverse landscape and terrain. Nature is my absolute source for peace of mind ... so many rules about where one can go though ... I tend to just grab my hammock and go anyways.

I've seen some pretty impressive coffee tables about with aboriginal art on them ... I know of a community center where aboriginal people frequent to practice there art, however its mostly sold as prints online.

Again thanks for sharing ... I have a million hobbies too and tend to jump from one to the others, however I enjoy getting lost in each one for however long I am able to ride with each. Giving this move we have to prepare for now, it's hard to prioritize, but just learning to a little bit by little bit.

10-16-2013, 08:15 AM
That's cool, not many people have so many interests and hobbies as I do. " Jack of all trades and master of self" with my English (probably you noticed it is my second language) I could never say it so beautifully. Thank you so much. I am also the person who walks in the field with the pendulum, looking for cool places or herbs.
Australia; I had read so much about Aboriginals and seen so much their arts, it is breathtaking....My Polish friends actually own Aboriginal Art Gallery and workshop. They post Incredible pics of people painting, sculpturing, then drawing....
Your wife is suffering with MS, that's devastating disease, and our problems seems so lame, comparing to it. I always believed and still do, that nature has all medication we need. Herbs, and herbs. World is so small now that you can order things from anywhere. I just made Arthritis salve, with Australian Eucalyptus Essential oil and a few others. It works, it does, when prescription meds only higher my BP :)) How not to believe in the power of natural healing if I am doing it for years. My children use herbs, they are grown up with them :) , first herbal teas , and if it does not help, they go to doctor. I started to teach my precious grandchild to drink herbal teas when she is sick. I made Lemon balm extract which I am going to use as a help with my anxiety. It is possible that I could at least cut down on my meds.
Thank you Ponder for beautiful posts. :))

10-16-2013, 09:13 AM
I started this before I moved halfway across the country last year, and never went back to it. My excuse is that I don't have time, but I really need to MAKE time for it. I did some of this with my therapist, and then in a group setting, and it was amazing. I actually got into a really scary situation once, and I just let go and started meditating, and it got me through. I will never forget the feeling of peace that came over me in such a horrifying moment.

Thank you for posting this. I need to get back to it!