View Full Version : Overcome Anxiety by Defeating the Spirit of Fear

10-13-2013, 09:56 PM
Yes, I am a Christian. If that offends you, then feel free to stop reading right here...but know my heart is with every single person who joins this group. I have read so many stories here, and also know the common factor that affects us is fear.

I had my first panic attack last year. I was just watching television (nothing scary) when I felt smothered. I immediately started hyperventilating to stay alive as I thought my body was shutting down and I would pass out at any minute from a lack of oxygen. It was super scary and I was alone. My neighbor is the one who took me to the hospital. That was my first and last visit to the hospital. I was released the same day. Blood test and ECG was normal, so Doctor said I had a panic attack and I was sent home with no medication.

The next morning I had a similar episode, but my wife had opt to stay home with me, so it wasn't so bad. I called my doctor and he prescribed paxil and lexaton. Lexaton was good. Paxil made me feel crazy in the head. I was going through major transitions in my life and my father died.

Fact is, from reading and revelation I knew my underlying problem was fear. It was probably heretical as my father lived in fear all his live. He never really left the house.

I was determined to either beat anxiety or learn to live with it. I packed up all the pills and threw then in the garbage. I refused all impulses to call the doctor and run to the nearest hospital when I felt anything off, and yes I continue to be home alone most of the time...so it was just me and fear....a full, head on battle. I challenged this monster to a fight to the death.

Truthfully, it was a battle and there was casualties. I DIED!

So, here is a truth I read during my personal deliverance from this monster. The very thing you fear will happen to you. OMG! This was terrible news. My greatest fear was getting a heart attack, and I kept reading that fear cannot harm you, but the mind is so powerful that it will cause your body to respond to what you fear as if it is real, when it is not real. So you will have all the symptoms of having a heart attack when you are not having a heart attack, etc. For me this was worst that actually having a heart attack. I wished it would just happen and get it over with, but it never did and I could not live my life in fear. I refused to.

So anxiety have a purpose. It forces us to face the reality of who we are. God has a purpose for me that does not include fear so that part of me had to die. How else can we defeat the giant without facing it.

Yes, I am dead. I am dead to fear. I am dead to self. I live, because Christ lives in me. He has not given me a spirit of fear, but power love and a sound mind. Those who refuse the call of God on their lives, make a profound declaration that they will take care of themselves, deliver themselves and protect themselves. Anxiety reveals the vulnerability of such a mind-set. We are not our own and self preservation is an illusion that will give fear permission to assault and torment us. The man who walks in the flesh, will suffer in the flesh.


Unless we die to fear, we will never be free. Very seldom can we defeat the spirit of fear in our own strength. Some find freedom in pills and therapy, but true freedom is really achieved when we eradicate fear. I surrender my life to God everyday and proudly declare that I will not walk or live in fear.

We can be free, but there is a price to pay for freedom. Today, I mourn the death of my flesh with all its fears and anxiety and I celebrate the life of Jesus Christ. In Him I live, move and have my being. Who the Son has set free, is truly free indeed.

Wouldn't you like to experience this freedom?

10-14-2013, 12:08 AM
Thank you so much for posting this. I to am a Christian and have dealt with anxiety for over 4 years. I have recently really gotten to a point where I have ran out of patience and strength. I AM determined to overcome this by the power that God has given me. The scripture you quoted, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love and if power and of a sound mind, I have been quoting and praying all week.
I know God is my strength and I will make it through. Fear is just a tool of Satan to hinder us from being in the will of God.
Thank you again, this is very encouraging!

10-14-2013, 05:22 AM
Thank you so much for posting this. I to am a Christian and have dealt with anxiety for over 4 years. I have recently really gotten to a point where I have ran out of patience and strength. I AM determined to overcome this by the power that God has given me. The scripture you quoted, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love and if power and of a sound mind, I have been quoting and praying all week.
I know God is my strength and I will make it through. Fear is just a tool of Satan to hinder us from being in the will of God.
Thank you again, this is very encouraging!

Amen!!!!! I say this to myself all the time.

10-14-2013, 12:00 PM

10-14-2013, 12:12 PM
Yes, I am a Christian. If that offends you, then feel free to stop reading right here...but know my heart is with every single person who joins this group. I have read so many stories here, and also know the common factor that affects us is fear. I had my first panic attack last year. I was just watching television (nothing scary) when I felt smothered. I immediately started hyperventilating to stay alive as I thought my body was shutting down and I would pass out at any minute from a lack of oxygen. It was super scary and I was alone. My neighbor is the one who took me to the hospital. That was my first and last visit to the hospital. I was released the same day. Blood test and ECG was normal, so Doctor said I had a panic attack and I was sent home with no medication. The next morning I had a similar episode, but my wife had opt to stay home with me, so it wasn't so bad. I called my doctor and he prescribed paxil and lexaton. Lexaton was good. Paxil made me feel crazy in the head. I was going through major transitions in my life and my father died. Fact is, from reading and revelation I knew my underlying problem was fear. It was probably heretical as my father lived in fear all his live. He never really left the house. I was determined to either beat anxiety or learn to live with it. I packed up all the pills and threw then in the garbage. I refused all impulses to call the doctor and run to the nearest hospital when I felt anything off, and yes I continue to be home alone most of the time...so it was just me and fear....a full, head on battle. I challenged this monster to a fight to the death. Truthfully, it was a battle and there was casualties. I DIED! So, here is a truth I read during my personal deliverance from this monster. The very thing you fear will happen to you. OMG! This was terrible news. My greatest fear was getting a heart attack, and I kept reading that fear cannot harm you, but the mind is so powerful that it will cause your body to respond to what you fear as if it is real, when it is not real. So you will have all the symptoms of having a heart attack when you are not having a heart attack, etc. For me this was worst that actually having a heart attack. I wished it would just happen and get it over with, but it never did and I could not live my life in fear. I refused to. So anxiety have a purpose. It forces us to face the reality of who we are. God has a purpose for me that does not include fear so that part of me had to die. How else can we defeat the giant without facing it. Yes, I am dead. I am dead to fear. I am dead to self. I live, because Christ lives in me. He has not given me a spirit of fear, but power love and a sound mind. Those who refuse the call of God on their lives, make a profound declaration that they will take care of themselves, deliver themselves and protect themselves. Anxiety reveals the vulnerability of such a mind-set. We are not our own and self preservation is an illusion that will give fear permission to assault and torment us. The man who walks in the flesh, will suffer in the flesh. EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO SUFFERS FROM ANXIETY IS AFRAID TO DIE! Unless we die to fear, we will never be free. Very seldom can we defeat the spirit of fear in our own strength. Some find freedom in pills and therapy, but true freedom is really achieved when we eradicate fear. I surrender my life to God everyday and proudly declare that I will not walk or live in fear. We can be free, but there is a price to pay for freedom. Today, I mourn the death of my flesh with all its fears and anxiety and I celebrate the life of Jesus Christ. In Him I live, move and have my being. Who the Son has set free, is truly free indeed. Wouldn't you like to experience this freedom?May God bless you for posting this! I feel you were lead to post this for a reason!!!! What a true and powerful message! Forgive me God for not trusting in you! I quote that scripture about the spirit of fear daily. Before I even read this post, I woke up this morning repeating that scripture over and over!! Coincidence, no! That's straight from God. Thank you so much for allowing me to look at my situation in the correct perspective!!

10-14-2013, 04:38 PM
I believe but am not religious. I'm spiritual and I have read a lot around Buddhism and meditation. This has turned my anxiety into something of a friend now, it comes and It quickly goes due to my attitude to it, my attitude being....it can't and never has hurt me.

10-14-2013, 07:22 PM
Very interesting post, I am not religious and it does not offend me, ;)

10-19-2013, 09:09 PM
Excellent post! I definitely believe God will make everything better :) When I start feeling really nervous and anxious, I pray and I've noticed when I do, my panic attack or anxiety quickly goes away. I'm going to keep praying and remembering the good of God that I'm fine and anxiety is all in my head and that I am in no real danger and I'm going to prosper :)

10-20-2013, 10:27 AM
I appreciate all these posts. I too am a Christian and turn to prayer and reading the bible to help with my anxiety. I do have a lot of fears about certain things, and am working to strengthen my faith in God and to remember to trust that God is in control. He will provide and take care of me no matter what. It is hard to trust and believe because sometimes prayers aren't always answered in the way we think they should be or hope they will be. It is God's will, not ours, and I try to remember that all will turn out ok no matter what when I start to feel afraid. Reading your posts and having support on this forum is very helpful!

Olive Yew
10-20-2013, 11:45 AM
I see it differently i guess. God made every human being with the ability to fear. It makes us cry out to him in our weakness. I am weak because He is strong. I work every day to find peace again. Not to kill fear, but to live in harmony with it. There's a peace I've come to know in that God's arms protect me from harm. It isn't a killing of fear... Just the lack of need for it. :) i was made to fear, but because if God, i don't need to. And that's what i'm working towards right now.

10-20-2013, 12:06 PM
I think that's a good way to look at it too - thanks for sharing and I wish you continued peace! :)

j brown
10-21-2013, 12:24 AM
Thats the best advice I read on here, it seems like when I read the bible and try to focus on the word it helps me when I am anxious