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10-13-2013, 07:33 PM
So av woke up in middle of the night freeking out a have really bad heart burn well a hope it's heart burn.. Just really bad started crying a dont know why just feel like am going to just die sooo stupid as it sounds
10-14-2013, 12:12 AM
Ugh. I really hate waking up in the night feeling unwell or having a bad pain somewhere. It is the absolute worst! It always sends me into a complete panic and, like you, I am convinced I'm going to die. I really feel for you and I'm sorry that happened!
For many of us with anxiety disorders, night times are especially difficult. Plus, in the middle of the night, all our defenses are very low because our body is supposed to be sleeping. So all our fears are magnified and anxiety can really have a field day. In that situation I usually find it best to just get up and turn some lights on. Literally shine some light on the darkness!
At any rate, I really hope the pain went away and that you were able to go back to sleep. It's exhausting dealing with all this crap. I bet you're feeling really worn down and just fed up with it. Sometimes having a cry can help a bit to release some of the bad feelings.
What is happening with your medication? Are you sleeping better on the whole and tonight was just a bad one, or are you still sleeping badly most nights? Hope you can talk to your doctor about this and get the sleeping sorted. You will feel loads better once your sleep is back on track. Hang in there, Jamie!!
10-14-2013, 12:52 AM
Ugh. I really hate waking up in the night feeling unwell or having a bad pain somewhere. It is the absolute worst! It always sends me into a complete panic and, like you, I am convinced I'm going to die. I really feel for you and I'm sorry that happened! For many of us with anxiety disorders, night times are especially difficult. Plus, in the middle of the night, all our defenses are very low because our body is supposed to be sleeping. So all our fears are magnified and anxiety can really have a field day. In that situation I usually find it best to just get up and turn some lights on. Literally shine some light on the darkness! At any rate, I really hope the pain went away and that you were able to go back to sleep. It's exhausting dealing with all this crap. I bet you're feeling really worn down and just fed up with it. Sometimes having a cry can help a bit to release some of the bad feelings. What is happening with your medication? Are you sleeping better on the whole and tonight was just a bad one, or are you still sleeping badly most nights? Hope you can talk to your doctor about this and get the sleeping sorted. You will feel loads better once your sleep is back on track. Hang in there, Jamie!!
Yeh a slept really really crap was up all night now I have to go to collage and sit through 6 hours of lessons I really don't feel up to it at all :( feel like ringing in sick but don't think that will go down to well with my work as am on an apprentership.
I just feel really breathless now that iv woke up and feel really tiered. Don't know what to do anymore or how to deal with it all my symptoms really scare me like I think it's something serious all the time it's like a never ending circle. I feel worn out with it all but I am going to stay strong and keep battling away. I probs can't sleep because I had a heavy drink Saturday night and alcohol I know does anxiety no favours at all. I don't know if my meds are helping some times I feel they are some times there not it all depends I have actually ran out at the min aint had one for 2 days I have to get a repeat prescription today. My sleeping was slowly getting better but I do think I have IBS all my symptoms are like bad stomach acid reflux frequently urinating always going to toilet. I hope I can get my sleep sorted. Well that's for the reply tailspin you alway talk a lot of sense I try and brave today not feeling great come home and go straight to sleep.
10-14-2013, 05:55 AM
I have the same problems with acid reflux n burning tummy. Gaviscon is my best friend most nights. Do u burp constantly?
I had bad night sat I had an attack for 4 and half hours I was so scared
10-14-2013, 01:33 PM
Hi Jamie, Well done for going in to college today. That must have been really difficult after such a bad night, but I think it was definitely the right thing to do.
Were you able to pick up your prescription? From previous posts it sounds like the medication is helping overall, so it's really important to stay on it and take it consistently. Also, sometimes anti-depressants like the one you are are taking can help with IBS. There are a lot of nerve endings in the gut and it sort of has it's own nervous system, so drugs that treat anxiety disorders and depression can help the gut too. But, as littleone suggests, maybe you could try an over-the-counter antacid type thing as well for your heartburn?
Really hope you have a much better night tonight, Jamie!!!!
10-14-2013, 01:40 PM
Yes I agree. Gaviscon is really good it takes the edge off and can really help relieve some of the heartburn when mines bad bad. Obviously don't go too over the top with it as it can give u diarrhoea and that's not something we need lol. But well done for going college I forced myself to go work Sunday after my attack and I think it makes us worse staying at home brewing over the night before.
10-14-2013, 02:31 PM
Thanks for the reply everyone. Yeh I do burp constantly and sometimes I get a funny taste when I do not like a sicky taste it's like a metal bloody taste:/ strange.
Yeh tailspin felt like going home a few times but I just stuck it out back at work tomorrow so I am gunna have a good nights sleep and just relax. I have ordered my new prescription but it won't be ready till Wednesday so al just have to stick it out till then. The tablets help a lot but they do have side effects like dizziness and stuff.
Al have to try gaviscon sounds like it does the job :)
10-14-2013, 02:34 PM
Don't know if u have spoken to ur doctor about the burping? Because this is all related. Anxiety sets off something in ur body which causes the stomach to produce more acid. I am on lansoprazole which reduces the stomach acid. It's not a long term solution but it helps me and then without having the bad stomach and pain all the time I'm able to just tackle my anxiety and not both at once.
10-14-2013, 04:32 PM
Get through it lad, it's hard but I'm a bloke in my 20's from the UK and have suffered like you. It'll get better if you want it to but you'll need to change your mindset.
Good luck.
10-14-2013, 11:55 PM
Yeh he's ready give me some meds for it he gave me omeprozole for it but I haven't really been taking them regularly like I should. I need to go to the toilet to urinate very very regular and it always disturbs my sleep. Like this morning iv woke up with a bit of stomach ache and my stomach keeps rumbling and making all kinds of noises.
Ano gotta keep going and just go through it it's strange because you Feel like it has no end. Iv said this before but it feels like I'm gunna get to the point where they are going to find something seriously wrong with me.
10-15-2013, 03:33 AM
You should try and take them every morning about half hour before you eat. Iv found with mine I take they help. Yes I'm still constantly burping but I don't have the awful stabbing scraping feeling in my stomach.
I feel like it's never ending too and the only time I'm not stressed or worried about it is when I'm asleep.
I get up in the morning and feel like I could just pack my job in pack my life in and stay at home and only do things when I'm ready or when I'm comfortable with it but then why should we let it rule our lives because it's all in our minds :(
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