View Full Version : Am i going mad?

10-13-2013, 06:29 PM
I've been having really weird feelings of death, not scared of dying but the fact that I am dead, it came into watching this documentary on 'is all this real' which really triggered my anxiety higher than normal, I've been trying to pick up the confidence to go to the doctors and either sort out medication or counselling but I'm scared incase they suggest that I take a break at a psychiatric ward or something, is this possible? Like would they do something like that? That's what is scaring me the most about going for help, some doctors might see me a danger to myself if I tell them what I'm feeling so I'm just so anxious to go and see them. I went to the doctors about 14 months ago because I was feeling very down but all they did was prescribe me with anti depressants but the side effects ended me up in accident and emergency (one of the side effects was heart palpitations however I did not read the packaging) and ever since I have just been battling this on my own. Sorry I drifted off then, if I went to the doctors about my thoughts could they instantly section me? I really want to try a counsellor but I have no idea how I get one.

10-13-2013, 07:29 PM
You can search on line for a counselor. I found a couple that way through my insurance then called them and did a consultation over the phone to see if we 'meshed'. I would do that right away. I don't think a doctor would send you to the hospital unless you were threatening suicide. I was sent to the hospital years ago when I couldn't control my anxiety. It wasn't bad, in fact it was what was needed at the time for me. Go see a real psych for meds, not a GP and explain what is going on and what happened the last time you went on meds.

10-13-2013, 07:50 PM
thanks for replying. How do I find a psych in my area and does it cost? I did have a counsellor for like 2 weeks because they forgot about me, it took them 3 months to get in touch with me so I'm a bit apprehensive about it but I know it's the best thing for me. I'm going to book an appointment with my gp and get a referral from them to see a counsellor asap. Thanks again for replying it's made me happy that someone is listening to me

10-13-2013, 07:57 PM
I found a psych through asking friends. I have insurance that covers appts at $30, but I know without insurance it can be really high. I do know my doctor will charge less if you are self pay. You can also look at counseling centers, the one I'm with now has many counselors and if one isn't working they will refer you to another in the same practice. I know it's tough to find someone you can trust. Don't be discouraged. When I moved I had to find a new psych and my counselor recommend one. I got there and she tore into me and said I was bipolar. I left the office hysterically crying without her caring. After asking friends I found another doctor who I've been with for two and half years and he is great. Just keep looking for someone that can help. My one counselor was 'cognitive' mostly and I never understood the homework! I now have one that is more behavioral and it's much better a fit for me. You'll be surprised how many people you know have counselors or psychs, just ask around!

10-13-2013, 08:46 PM
They can't legally lock you up unless you threaten suicide. And even then, they can only hold you 72 hours at most.

Therapists are used to seeing people that are suffering. The fact that you are suffering won't scared them.

I agree that sometimes you have to see many therapists before you find a good one sometimes. My last therapist was very mean to me, but I tried again recently and have been in therapy for 6 months and she's really great! I'm seeing a student therapist and think they are the best. They aren't as worn out from seeing so many patients, they cost less money to see, and since they have therapists above them observing them, they give a lot of help to give you the best care possible. I don't have insurance, but I only pay 25 dollars per appointment.