View Full Version : I have no life anymore

10-13-2013, 02:00 PM
I can't enjoy life, can't enjoy music, TV, school, sports, anything. I can't enjoy anyone's company, just anything. What's the point of living anymore? Why not just die and not feel anything? I can't eat properly I can't sleep properly I can't concentrate on anything without this constant irrational fear hovering above my head, it's exhausting.
Some people say there is a cure to anxiety , some people say there's no cure but just treatment. I don't know what to believe?

10-13-2013, 02:13 PM
I was the same as you a couple of weeks ago didnt wanna see no1 wouldnt hold a convo with anyone just didnt see the point cuz i was so sure something bad was goin to happen to me :(

Bt i'm gettin better slowly and so will you :)

Everyone can overcome anxiety if they allow themselves to.

10-13-2013, 05:14 PM
I've had days where I felt this way within the past week.

You're probably feeling this way because you feel like your anxiety controls everything and that you're not strong enough to deal with it. Whenever I feel hopeless like that, I get really, really depressed and don't like being alive anymore because I get pleasure from nothing.

I exercise a lot when I get this way or clean. Basically, I do physical activities rather than mental because there's no use trying to distract my mind. Exercising and getting sun can also help you cope with your anxiety. It won't take all of it away, but it's made it bareable for me a ton of times. I go on really long walks, too. Like hour long. I just keep walking and walking and walking until it gets at least a little better.

10-13-2013, 07:26 PM
I can't enjoy life, can't enjoy music, TV, school, sports, anything. I can't enjoy anyone's company, just anything. What's the point of living anymore? Why not just die and not feel anything? I can't eat properly I can't sleep properly I can't concentrate on anything without this constant irrational fear hovering above my head, it's exhausting.
Some people say there is a cure to anxiety , some people say there's no cure but just treatment. I don't know what to believe?

It sounds like you are experiencing a bout of anhedonia, which I know is incredibly frustrating and demotivating. Since you started to experience the anxiety two months ago, have you sought any help or support? When you are experiencing anxiety adrenaline is flowing throughout your body and it is this combined with the lack of proper sleep that is making you feel so tired.

With regards to why not just die and not feel anything? I have felt this way before and it started round about your age maybe earlier. But to put things into perspective...... we only get one shot at life and we will never be here again. So my attitude is now to do everything I can to achieve what I want in life, sure I have this problem that is anxiety but I will not allow it to dictate my life and define who I am/or who I will become. I may not achieve everything I want, but when I look back on my life I will know that I gave it 100%. I can accept failing after all we are human and we make mistakes, but i can not accept not trying.

Sure some people say that they no longer experience anxiety but some people will always experience anxiety. However you can develop methods and techniques to stop anxiety from having a firm grip on your life. I myself can feel myself becoming more resilient and the anxiety is having less of an impact, you just need to keep learning about yourself and what helps you etc.

" You may not be able to stop the waves, but you can learn to surf them"

10-13-2013, 09:04 PM
Are u on meds..? I was suffering for 5 months..I wasn't eating properly,I was feeling like any min I.was going to have to comit my self to phyc hospital...I have two boys 4 and 5.. I still was ok with them..I just was suffering in silents..I lost 20 pounds which made me 100 I took time off from my job..I literally wasnt functioning...I was on edge..but I didn't want meds..never have for phyc reason..anyway...I.been taking them and I starting to feel better...yes some side effects succk but u have to hang in there....I can tell the working..I was planning how I would end it..but now I seeing light...not the best and u not the same yet but in time I pray to be