View Full Version : Anxiety

10-13-2013, 01:29 PM
Does anyone else suffer from bad anxiety attacks that last for hours?

10-13-2013, 01:43 PM
Yeah i had 1 that lasted almost 10hrz :( i just could not calm myself down.

Ended up phonin a ambulance in the end!

10-13-2013, 01:51 PM
When my anxiety first started it was really bad, I'd get really really bad anxiety for hours and just pray for a break. But I didn't know much bout anxiety that time, I was freaking out for no reason.

10-13-2013, 01:58 PM
Iv had CBT and it helped. The problem is I have a phobia of sick, feeling sick, seeing someone sick or if someone has a bug I freak out and that's where my problem is. But i don't know what to do. I can't control it I wanted to call an ambulance last night but was so embarassed. I'm scared my boyfriend will get fed up of me as he's only 23 and I feel a mess

10-13-2013, 01:59 PM
I research it loads and iv got a book of how to over come it I just can't see it ever being possible and it scares me

10-13-2013, 02:11 PM
Awww hun *hugz* ikno exactli ow your feeling. U just got to learn not to fear the anxiety attack and it will start to back off!

Take deep slow breathes u'll be ok. Ikno wat u mean about the boyfriend ive started comin up with excuses not to see my boyfriend so e doesnt look at me like i'm stupid dont think e would bt the thoughts there so stops me seeing him spesh if i'm having a bad day.

Ive also started to read a book about overcomin anxiety and i'm thinkin its startin to work :)

Just hold onto faith that you will get better

10-13-2013, 02:17 PM
From the beginning I told my bf how I was and what my life was like as my last bf left me coz of it and is now engaged to my so called best mate. That broke me. And I didn't want him to leave me he says he will stick by me and support me but he doesn't understand and I know that but what if one day he cba anymore. Last night I had an attack for 4 and a half hours I had to leave his and come home and it got worse and worse I thought being in my house I would feel safe and it has terrified me so much coz I'm back to square one

10-13-2013, 02:21 PM
Im sure e wont get fed up of you. I dnt think anyone who doesnt suffer with anxiety can understand fully and not sure they ever will.

Dont look at it as uve gone back to square 1 tht will just feed ur anxiety even more just think ok last night was a bad night bt i can get back to where i was :) and you can youve done it once before u'll do it again!

Mine got so bad that i started sleepin in my moms room cuz i was so scared and thought it would help me and making me feel safer spesh the night i had my 10 hour attack bt it didnt help me at all :(

And this is probably cuz we're feedin the anxiety with our fear

10-13-2013, 02:29 PM
Ye my main problem is feeling sick. And that's the main thing with my anxiety attacks I start to feel sick and then I get on the crazy bus and go round and round in circles and feel sick so I panic then I feel more sick and panic even more. I don't think it matters where I am when I'm bad like that coz it's like I shut the world out and it takes over.