View Full Version : Claire Weekes Survey

12-20-2007, 08:45 AM
Hi Everyone,

My name is Dr David Roberts, I'm a GP from the Sates. I have been a GP now for a year and a half. In this time I have seen a lot of anxiety sufferers. Some have mentioned a woman called Dr Claire Weekes to me. She wrote a lot of books on the anxiety state.

I just want to ask you all if you have read any of her books and what effect they had on you. For eg did they cure you, help you improve, or have no effect at all.


Dr David Roberts

12-20-2007, 08:09 PM
Never read any of her books. Sorry. I do like the book "The Anxiety Cure" by Du Pont

12-31-2007, 03:23 PM
I'm reading some of them and I think the method is the hard way to recover, but the one that works. No pills, just the pain of facing the anxiety and accepting it. Reading her books before going to sleep helps me. I'm sure a lot of people fully recovered because of what she sais.

01-06-2008, 05:26 PM
When I first started getting panic attacks when I was a teenager, Dr. Weeks' book, "Help and Hope for your Nerves" came out. That was in 1970, I think. At that time it was the only real resource for Anxiety and Panic and it was a Godsend for me. It gave me a name for what I was experiencing. Her books are somewhat outdated now, although her basic principle of accepting, floating and letting time pass still works. It's just that some of her expressions can be disturbing to someone going through severe anxiety. She uses the term "nervous breakdown" or "breakdown", etc. There are so many updated books out there now, some very helpful. The Anxiety and Phobia workbook by Bourne is very good and also Dr. Carbonell's self help book, Panic Attacks Workbook is excellent.