View Full Version : New here-anyone else suffer like this?

12-20-2007, 06:53 AM
I am terrified of sickness. Not my health or any of the major sicknesses (cancer, AIDS,etc..) I'm terrified that my kids are going to get sick. (colds, sinus infections, croup, stomach viruses)
I can't sleep...i don't want to go anywhere public b/c i am so scared that they are going to catch something...

I know that preventing them from doing things is sheltering them....i worry from the time i wake up until the time i go to bed. Noone understands me-heck, i don't even understand myself....
i know i sound stupid-i know it's crazy to worry like i do-but i can't control it..... :(

12-26-2007, 10:09 AM
Let me start off by saying welcome! You're in the right place if you're a worrier like all of us! :D

But, it is normal to worry about your children, it's a normality for all parents, but it's the excessive worrying that never leaves that's the problem. Perhaps you could mention a little of your history? Is this the first time this has happened to you? are you talking to a therapist? any medications?

But anxiety can come in many different forms, it can revolve around ourselves, others, fears, concerns, it varies for a lot of different people.

Looking forward to a response,

12-27-2007, 06:22 AM
I have suffered from panic attacks/anxiety of sorts for 8 years now. I was in an abusive marriage that lasted all of 6 mths....which is what triggered panic attacks. I began my road of prescriptions then-which helped me. I was doing better, so i came off of them.....when i remarried, & miscarried, i started back on them.....i was on them when my current husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor (he is completely fine now) & went through that very calmly....(everyone was amazed) but then i started gaining weight-a lot of it...so i came off of my Lexapro,b/c i didn't want any weight gain....from then on, i haven't lost the weight & i've gone from one prescription to another....I am currently on Prozac Weekly (which helps with panic attacks) until my first therapy appt. on jan. 29th.....hope this helps...

12-29-2007, 01:11 PM
I am a very cautious one when i am out - as far as touching doorknobs and all that.......... But it really boils down to taking care of myself and keeping my immune system strong. When it is strong the body is amazing. So maybe when you start worrying about the kids,,,,, instead,,,, learn about some new healthy food you can feed them. Put your thoughts on all the goodness you can provide for them. peace & love,,,,,,,jane