View Full Version : can some foods trigger anxiety?!!

10-11-2013, 12:50 AM
Im started a diet as want to become more healthy, ive ditched sugary drinks for bottled water and already im not having any anxiety symptoms after drinking water not like when i had fizzzy drinks i would get all sorts of pains and anxiety, im wondering if anyone finds types of food make them more anxious, thank you guys sorry for woffling on :)

10-11-2013, 09:28 AM
Totally! I find that soda makes my belly rumbly, and makes me burp, and both of those things make me anxious. Anytime my stomach starts to get upset, it triggers it for me, so it could be anything at the wrong time. But I find sugary stuff increases it almost immediately for me.

10-11-2013, 02:23 PM
I don't have caffeine, energy drinks, or alcohol ever.

I have almost no health anxiety now, but whenever I have any of those three things, I immediately think I am dying and I start freaking out over everything. Last time I had a mental breakdown, I had half a can of cherry coke, too. I doubt it was a coincidence.

I also take vitamins when I have anxiety. I swear it helps.