View Full Version : night from hell :(, how is everyone?!…

10-11-2013, 12:43 AM
Ive had the worst night sleep my anxiety has been sky high all bescause of some slight chest pain and a mixture of tiredness my anxiety escalated and the worst of it now im up ive still got chest pain :( … how is everyone hope all are doing good :…!!

10-11-2013, 01:46 AM
Hope you are ok now. There's nothing worse than chest pain! My anxiety always gets worse when I'm tired too. I'm feeling slightly more positive now I started my cbt yesterday still having some crazy thoughts but I'm thinking rational about them now. When I'm having a bad night I get up and read or watch silly shows on tv to distract myself, also having a nice hot drink helps me :-)

10-11-2013, 12:15 PM
I hate those nights from hell! Being up all night feeling anxious and unwell, and then feeling the anxiety escalate into panic and not being able to stop it is the absolute worst. The middle of the night is a very lonely and scary place! Our defenses are at their very lowest (since we should be sleeping!!!) and I have found that the most terrible thoughts, fears and feelings strike me then. It really is like descending into your own private hell! Then, as you say, the agony continues the next day since we are exhausted from the sleepless night and still caught up in all the bad feelings.

So sorry you are going through this!!! Just try and be really gentle with yourself today and take it easy. As Petrified says, try and distract yourself with some silly TV shows or computer stuff. I'm sure the chest pain is all stress-related and that it will ease when you are able to rest and replenish your inner resources! Wishing you peaceful nights and days ahead!

10-11-2013, 02:18 PM
I agree with you guys about the night time. I literally feel dread a lot of days when the sun starts going down. It's why I hate winter, it's dark for longer!

10-11-2013, 03:35 PM
Keep telling yourself you are ok and let the thoughts drift in and drift back out...if you show them you aren't scared or react to them they will disappear. I have been brill over the past few months but in the past week I seem to have gone downhill again! :( I know it's so hard but you will eventually get there :) x

Jernau G
10-11-2013, 06:09 PM
the key is to not be scared (I know its way harder than it sounds) just let it hit you and wait it out, and it will eventually fade away.

10-12-2013, 06:34 AM
I can be fine all day, but as soon as I lay down to try to go to sleep I can feel my heart beating harder which makes my anxiety kick back up. Then I just lay there for hours on end till I finally fall asleep.

10-12-2013, 06:43 AM
I too hate the nights I think it's when we feel the most alone, but finding this site with all these people feeling the same way I do has been my saviour I don't feel so alone anymore

10-12-2013, 11:40 AM
I too hate the nights I think it's when we feel the most alone, but finding this site with all these people feeling the same way I do has been my saviour I don't feel so alone anymore

Me, too. Before this, I used to worry about how I was going to make it through the week until my next therapy appointment or my next support group. Now I have a place online that I can go to 24/7. It's awesome!

10-12-2013, 11:45 AM
Yeah - I find the nights so hard too...... mostly because I had to strong anxiety attacks that woke me from my sleep a few weeks back so I think I live in fear it will happen again........ I just find it s hard to fall asleep becuase I get so anxious as soon as my head hits the pillow and then the more anxious I feel the more unlikely it is that I can sleep.... just makes me feel really scared.... do other people feel like that too?