View Full Version : What type of anxiety do I have?

10-10-2013, 10:17 PM
Ok please help me out I am extremely freaked out.

I'm 16, male, and my anxiety started from a marijuana induced panic attack, or at least was triggered from it.

I've been experiencing symptoms for a month now and they are:

-Worrying for no reason
-Feeling depressed
-worrying about wether or not my anxiety will go away
-rare anxiety attack

Although once for a whole week I did not experience any sort of anxiety what so ever, I though I got rid of it for good until it came back for some reason.

I am not taking Meds or seeing a phycologist at the moment although I do intend to see one.

I don't get very bad anxiety attacks anymore because I've learned to not let it get to me as much.

Is this a permanent thing I'll have to live with? Will it ever go away? Will I ever have my life back? Please don't leacture me about my weed use, I've learned my lesson.

10-11-2013, 12:47 PM
Hi there, Welcome to the site! I've heard from a number of people that marijuana can trigger a panic attack, which then in turn can lead to an Anxiety Disorder. Sorry you had this experience! Honestly though I'm sure this won't be a permanent thing for you. Especially if you are planning on seeking out a counselor. I would definitely recommend that. The sooner you can nip the anxiety in the bud the better. It's very good to hear that you have already managed to stave off panic attacks for the most part by not letting the symptoms freak you out. I'm sure you'll be able to manage the generalized anxiety symptoms too. Have a read through some of the posts here. There is a lot of useful info.

10-11-2013, 02:13 PM
Sometimes you have more than one type of anxiety. I've had every type of anxiety at one point in time in my lifetime.

But I agree with tailspin, it sounds like panic attacks and generalized anxiety.

Also, I want to believe that eventually we can get over anxiety, even though I've had it all my life. My therapist says it's wrong to think we are freaks and cursed with anxiety. That we have to believe that we can get better, so that we can get better!