View Full Version : Awful head feelings

10-10-2013, 10:49 AM
Every so often at work or going to sleep I would get this rush/vibration/tingly feeling just in my head. Almost feels like when you are about to have a panic attack that surge. I haven't noticed it much lately except last night after work I got all comfy, laid on the couch to watch tv and literally a couple mins later I felt this awful feeling. I'm going to my drs in just over a week so I'm going to ask for an MRI. Does anyone else experience this, my first thoughts are seizure, ms, tumor.

10-12-2013, 05:07 AM
I get that to sometimes when I'm just sitting down. Or when I get up and move to fast i get dizzy or that woosh feeling. Thankfully it doesn't last long.

10-12-2013, 05:24 AM
Do you mean like a head rush? The feeling I get is not a head rush which I also experience, this is more like a eletrical feeling in my head. I have been searching online for others who have experienced it and it seems fairly common in the Anxiety/Panic world. I am beginning to think it's my brain trying to relax, re-charge.

10-12-2013, 08:13 AM
Hi there. Just read this post. Its 1:08 am and im up struggling with what you are describing here. It's a very unsettling weird feeling in my head. Airy and light feeling. I cant really describe it correctly. It affects me more if I lay and try to go to sleep, it jolts me to open my eyes and sit up to try and make it better. Kinda feels like I'm slipping away if that makes sense. I hate it. I know its just another anxiety symptom.

10-12-2013, 09:52 AM
I have that very same feeling, been having it for several days. The most frustrating part for me is that it is so hard to describe. Something feels very wrong and it's making feel scared but I would have no idea what to say to the doctor. I've had a variety symptoms for a year now and have really been obsessing about MS the last few days. Do you have any weakness in your limbs as well?

11-23-2013, 02:51 PM
I have had that same exact feeling quite a few times. I get it around when I lay down in the bed I never could really explain it . But you took the words right out my mouth that is exactly what its like. & I cant even focas on watching the tv ir anything. So I know what you mean about it