View Full Version : heart palpertaion/heart flutter

10-10-2013, 03:59 AM
When anyone else get a heart flutter/palpertaion does it take their breath away and you then struggle to breath?
It really worrys me and im scared something is wring with my heart.
Im pretty sure its not normal to have a palpertaion every day and randomly come on even when im at work no anxiety or relaxing I really cant get my head around it.
I was getting better with my anxiety but im 21 weeks pregnant and my anxiety is awful at the moment im so scared im going to die giving birth

10-10-2013, 04:09 AM
I also get heart palpitations everyday that just randomly come on think its all just a part of anxiety hun and even thou u may not feel anxious at the time sub-consciously you still will be and the thought of dying while giving birth is always going to be at the back of your mind.

Try to learn to ignore the heart flutters (easier said than done) and hopefully in time they'll start to subside and become less noticeable