View Full Version : Anxiety over mine and my childrens health

10-10-2013, 12:22 AM
Ok so I'm going into 3 weeks being sick-- first a cold then bronchitis, now more of a cold again ( after antibiotics). My son ( 3 yrs) and daughter ( 5 yrs) started to cough shortly after I got sick. They have had an off and on cough but not bad. Tonight my son started to cough more and he came into my bed and I feel so awful watching him cough and cough. I snuck in some Tylenol with some milk and hope he gets a better sleep. But now I'm anxious that his cold is getting worse. I've always been prone to chest colds and my son seems to be the same... And has had bronchitis too, and been seriously sick. I'm listening to relax music on headphones low and trying to relax. I find as a mom I have more anxiety over my Kids health than mine. I'd feel horrible if he has bronchitis now.i mainly worry about my health because I have to be healthy for my children.

10-10-2013, 08:51 AM
Yes, I definitely worry more about my kid's health....and I've been going through what seems like cold after cold....I just got over a sinus infection and then a chest cold. I'm currently stressing about finding time to get my kids ( and myself) to the docs office to get a flu shot.....