View Full Version : Anxiety physical symptoms

10-09-2013, 07:43 PM
Hello everyone. I'm new here. 21 years
Old. Just startled suffering from anxiety about a year ago. I was prescribed to Vyvanse about 2 years ago and it turned me into a hypochondriac. Just wondering if anyone gets these physical anxiety symptoms... Because I get them EVERYDAY

left arm pain
Left leg pain -'think I pulled a muscle though
Jaw pain and stiffness
Left leg pain
Chest pain- more like heartburn
Racing pounding heartbeat

I know there are pretty common but my anxiety is so bad that I get them everyday hope someone can relate!

10-09-2013, 11:05 PM
Hi mbie. Welcome to the site! I get some of the symptoms on your list a lot, especially headaches. I also get other symptoms not on your list, for example, frequent nausea. It's difficult when these symptoms are so persistent. I know a lot of people here will be able to relate. This is a good place to share experiences and make some friends. I hope you like it here!

10-09-2013, 11:51 PM
Hello mbie. I'm pretty new to this forum too. My anxiety started quite recently too. I started worrying massively and unreasonably about my health. Just like you. I get some of those symptoms, particularly the racing heart. I get some other ones too........insomnia (that's horrible), twitchy muscles and also occasional numness and tingling in my fingers. I completely relate. I'm slowly finding ways to control it...I'll try and help if I can.

10-10-2013, 12:25 AM
Find the right medication if you are ok with it... For sure find some form of treatment/ counseling have as many supports as you can and read about anxiety so you are more aware of it. Find ways to relax: video games, meditation, writing, art, exercise.... And sometimes it takes a while to find what works.

10-10-2013, 01:17 AM
Thanks for the advice blondie. I've just started having counselling and I've also just started trying mindfulness meditation but it's really difficult......I'll persevere.What works for you?

10-10-2013, 02:31 AM
Hey mbie11, i'm in the exact same place as you i get symptoms all day everyday
Mine can be:
Light headedness
Jaw pain
Neck pain
Abdominal pain
Chest pain
Heart flutters
Headaches the list is endless

I'm always worrying that its something more than just anxiety and always need medical reassurance that i'm ok. Now feels like the doctors dont listen to me as ive been there so many times lately!

The jaw pain may be TMJ from clenchin ur teeth when anxious (even thou u may not realise your doing it) go to your dentist and then may be able to give u a guard to stop you clenching as much!

Ive also just brought a book so i can get more of an understanding of this anxiety and also find that this forum really helps.

Are you currently taking any medication for it? You could also try exercising and finding something to take your mind of the pains that you are feeling

10-10-2013, 07:58 AM
Hi there! I have every symptom you mentioned, except replace "left leg pain" with "occasional left leg discomfort", and we're spot on! I'm sorry you are experiencing all of this. The most comforting thing for me to realize is that it IS anxiety, and I'm NOT dying. It's hard to believe, but over time it will help you cope. Welcome!

10-10-2013, 10:45 AM
My brother woke up on day with his arm fully numb. Thought he'd had a stroke. After going to the doctor found out he was holding all his stress in his neck and had pinched a nerve. It was better eventually. Everyone seems to show their anxiety a little bit differently, but I think most people have some sort of physical symptoms. I have stomach issues and 'wobbly' legs. I feel shaky even when I know I'm not shaking.