View Full Version : Constant Panic Attacks

10-09-2013, 06:52 PM
Hi I am new to the forums and I was looking around for anxiety/panic attack solutions and somehow I found this section. I've read a few topics and articles about agoraphobia and I think this might apply to what I have been dealing with for 5 years.

I started getting panic attacks during my freshman year in high school in which I experienced: trembling, lost control of movement (felt like I was walking slow), embarrassed when talking to others, racing heart with sweats, and a lot more... Not only was it until last year did I finally see a psychiatrist and was prescribed to prozac. It definitely helped lower my anxiety but I still find myself always having panic attacks when going out in the public or talking to others. I lose the ability to think comprehensively, maintain eye contact, and I still get embarrassed. I find myself very apathetic and incapable to go outside in the public sometimes and it is driving me insane. I can't hold a job or even pay attention through classes and I even dropped out of a university just because I couldn't handle the pressure of being in class.

So the question I have--is there any medication that will remove my panic attacks without the "dizzy" side effect?
Also I will be seeing my psychiatrist very soon, how would I be able to address this to him?