View Full Version : Brief anxiety episode today.

10-09-2013, 05:37 PM
I have been doing great as far as my anxiety goes. I've not had any major panic attacks for several weeks now and it feels wonderful.

Today I had a minor set back, and like I used to do...I came here and I feel better already.

I've been sick for about 3-4 days now and feel absolutely awful. My husband is sick too, but apparently feels good enough to go visit with his family, lol.
I don't feel wonderful, so I stayed home. I tend to feel worse in the evening.

My symptoms:
achy body
itchy eyes
runny nose
dry cough
dry cracked lips
generally just congested
soooo tired

So...yeah I feel like crap, lol. :)
When my husband left I was starving. I made some pancakes this morning and had those for breakfast, but around 5:30 I needed to eat dinner so I could take some Excedrin for my head.
Problem though is that when I got hungry I started feeling dizzy. I generally only eat once per day and that is dinner. I never feel dizzy from lack of eating because I've always done that.
When I started feeling dizzy my mind jumped from "I need to eat" to "what if I pass out while I'm cooking and nobody is here to help me?".

It was mild, but still disturbing to realize how quickly my mind jumps from something normal to something that is going to hurt me. Its beyond frustrating, but even slightly amusing at times to realize what I put myself through, lol.

Anyway. I wanted to share this. Because I think that we need to all laugh at how our body reacts sometimes. I mean...I'm in no danger, but my body decided to react like I was and my mind went along for the ride.

10-09-2013, 05:59 PM
lol, those dang "what ifs" ..a lot of them involving a situation similar to what you described. Passing out, no one there to help me..totally messed up how the mind always goes into overdrive, jumping to those worst case scenarios when it was simply nothing..crazy what our minds do to us, huh? It's good to see it differently and just sometimes have a laugh..cause I know I'm fine, but anxiety lives for making my mind act so silly at times..

And it soooo sucks to be sick! Yucks..Feel better soon :)

10-09-2013, 06:44 PM
Congratulations on your progress. I don't get anxiety attacks much anymore, maybe once every 3 months... Time definitely heals anxiety disorder, last year when I developed mine I was having 2 a day.

10-09-2013, 11:21 PM
I mean...I'm in no danger, but my body decided to react like I was and my mind went along for the ride.

I can so relate to this!! Great to hear you can laugh about it though, even though you're feeling sick! Feel better soon!