View Full Version : The Essence of Anxiety Disorder

12-18-2007, 10:14 PM
The Essence of Anxiety Disorder:
Panic Attack is usually followed by Generalized Anxiety Disorder, but the latter would also appear without the former. Those who suffer from it would also be haunted by Social Phobia and OCD.
According to my experience in counseling, I can say, such panic, anxiety or “fear” is a sort of energy, since it is a sort of energy, it exists and disappears fully according to Energy Conservation Law. It cannot be wiped out and exterminated at pleasure. That is what we must understand. We must learn to respect this objective energy which is beyond our control. If we want to make it fade away and disappear, we must do it with the help of a Therapist. Wrong measure is not helpful at all, what’s worse, it may aggravate the panic or anxiety. For example, if we want to put out a fire, we should water it, if we add more woods into it, it will be more intense.

12-19-2007, 08:06 AM
Interesting perspective. Although I agree in concept that anxiety in and of itself cannot be fully eliminated, as it's an emotion that we all do and should have to some degree, I think the problem comes from the amount of attention we give to that emotion and as a result how far and quickly is escalates.

Just like anger is an emotion we all have and shouldn't try to eliminate completely if we want to be successful, it is an emotion we can let run out of control that can cause serious problems. We can learn to CONTROL our anger (or anxiety) so we can decide how much of it we're willing to accept and how large a role it will play in our life, just like someone with an anger management problem would.

As far as needing a therapist goes, I totally disagree. I went to a couple therapists and they didn't do anything for me. Just sitting around BS'ing about my parents. Perhaps given enough time it would have helped, but I wanted to feel better fast, not 2 years later. I used the program at http://www.PanicBook.com and it helped me MUCH faster than my therapists did and was much more effective. Not to mention about 1/2 the cost of ONE session with a therapist. I'm sure there's good therapists that can do a great job, but I don't think they're necessary and they sure as heck aren't as affordable as alternative options that work just as well.