View Full Version : I survived my stress test.

10-09-2013, 11:23 AM
I thought I was going to have a full-blown attack on the way there. I'm trying to drive to the cardiologist's office and I'm fighting off tears, shaking, numbness, palpitations, weird/fuzzy vision... it was awful. They did an ultrasound first, and the woman must've thought I was nuts because I was shaking so hard. You know how you get the teeth chattering, muscle clenching shakes when you panic? Yep. But I did my breathing and made it through. I was trying not to think about getting on the treadmill. I was really less afraid of a heart attack, and more afraid of a panic attack! But the treadmill lady was my savior. She really talked to me. And she asked me questions about life while I was on the treadmill, which helped distract me. Both ladies said things looked good. Of course, the dr has to look everything over, but they kinda reassured me. I only got 4 hours of sleep last night, so I'm EXTRA exhausted right now. As some of you have read, the Wellbutrin I started two weeks ago has made my anxiety much worse, and it's slowly been getting better. Today was a rough hurdle with it, but I made it through, so I'm thankful it's over. And I didn't die!! ;)

10-09-2013, 11:29 AM
Yay!!!!!!!! Really glad you made it through and that things look good!!! That's AWESOME!!! Well done for calming yourself down with your breathing. And so glad to hear the treadmill lady was so nice and helpful. I had a really nice lady and a lovely cardiologist too. They definitely helped a lot!!

So glad to hear you made it through, HealthAnxNut!!!! Yippee!!!!!

10-09-2013, 12:03 PM
Thanks hun! :) I was very glad I didn't have a total freak out. I am still pretty anxious today, but I'm glad that is over.

Can I ask you a side question? Are you taking any meds? What were your initial side effects? I've not taken an anti-depressant before, and I'm not sure if this is a "reaction", or if this is what everyone else is feeling. Just thought I would pick your brain, if you don't mind.

10-09-2013, 12:43 PM
Thanks hun! :) I was very glad I didn't have a total freak out. I am still pretty anxious today, but I'm glad that is over.

Can I ask you a side question? Are you taking any meds? What were your initial side effects? I've not taken an anti-depressant before, and I'm not sure if this is a "reaction", or if this is what everyone else is feeling. Just thought I would pick your brain, if you don't mind.

Don't mind at all! I do take an anti-depressant. I've been on one a long time now, though I did switch to a new med about 6 months ago. Currently I'm taking Lexapro. Prior to that I was on Zoloft for many years. I switched from Zoloft to Lexapro about 6 months ago because I didn't think the Zoloft was working for me anymore. I was back to feeling depressed and anxious a lot of the time again.

I think I've been very lucky in that I haven't really had many problems with side effects on either the Zoloft or the Lexapro. Many years ago I was on Prozac, and I did have some issues with that, especially increased anxiety. It made me feel jittery and restless and the feelings didn't subside so I had to stop taking it in the end.

I know you said you take Wellbutrin. I have never been on that medication but I've heard from others that it can be quite stimulating. So it's likely it is making you feel more anxious. The question is, will those feelings get better as your body adjusts to the Wellbutrin? That's the tricky bit! Have you been on it 2 weeks now? I guess that is still quite a short time (even though I know it feels like forever!!) It might be worth sticking it out for, say, another 2 weeks, if you feel you can handle that. I would think that if, after a month, you are still feeling like this, then that could well be a sign that it's time to switch to something else. That's what happened with me and Prozac.

Really hope things get better soon!!!

10-09-2013, 01:21 PM
Thanks for sharing with me. Yes, everyone seems to say that the worst of the side effects will go away around the month mark, so I am committed to being on the med at least that long. I want to have another baby (I'm 34 and the clock is ticking... and my son keeps asking me to bring him a baby - lol) and Wellbutrin is ok to take while pregnant. I didn't pick this med, the cardiologist actually did, and I'm following up with my primary care next week. I know it sounds weird, but the cardiologist was able to break down my walls and get me to accept help, where other doctors had not been able to. Anyway, I've gotten better over the past few weeks, minus today's episode. Because I have health anxiety, I know I am hyper- sensitive to side effects; I always have been. That's why I've avoided medicines. So far, I've had the increase of anxiety, occasional nausea/constipation (sorry TMI!), muscle twitches, slight headaches (had a major one Saturday), and my vision feels strange. Today, my tongue felt a little bigger. (?) I wouldn't give that list to everyone, because they would probably think I'm over-thinking it, but those things have all been happening. The anxiety has decreased slightly each week. Some things I do like about the med are the increase of energy (MINUS anxiety), the alertness/focus, and also there is a feeling of normalcy. I wouldn't say I'm "happier" per se. I don't feel like everything in the world is good. But I do feel more normal than I did before. Maybe slightly less fragile, would be a good way to describe it? Anyway, I have a few friends on anti-d's, but they had no side effects, and all of this would sound weird to them. I appreciate you "listening" so much. :)

10-09-2013, 04:14 PM
Thanks for sharing with me. Yes, everyone seems to say that the worst of the side effects will go away around the month mark, so I am committed to being on the med at least that long. I want to have another baby (I'm 34 and the clock is ticking... and my son keeps asking me to bring him a baby - lol) and Wellbutrin is ok to take while pregnant. I didn't pick this med, the cardiologist actually did, and I'm following up with my primary care next week. I know it sounds weird, but the cardiologist was able to break down my walls and get me to accept help, where other doctors had not been able to. Anyway, I've gotten better over the past few weeks, minus today's episode. Because I have health anxiety, I know I am hyper- sensitive to side effects; I always have been. That's why I've avoided medicines. So far, I've had the increase of anxiety, occasional nausea/constipation (sorry TMI!), muscle twitches, slight headaches (had a major one Saturday), and my vision feels strange. Today, my tongue felt a little bigger. (?) I wouldn't give that list to everyone, because they would probably think I'm over-thinking it, but those things have all been happening. The anxiety has decreased slightly each week. Some things I do like about the med are the increase of energy (MINUS anxiety), the alertness/focus, and also there is a feeling of normalcy. I wouldn't say I'm "happier" per se. I don't feel like everything in the world is good. But I do feel more normal than I did before. Maybe slightly less fragile, would be a good way to describe it? Anyway, I have a few friends on anti-d's, but they had no side effects, and all of this would sound weird to them. I appreciate you "listening" so much. :)

I remember you saying in a previous post that you had a wonderful cardiologist and he was the only person who made you feel comfortable enough to accept help. That's really great!!! Also, it sounds as though, overall, the Wellbutrin has helped you feel a bit better, even in quite a short time, which is very good news. I think it's totally natural that you would have been super, super, super anxious about your Stress Echo, so yesterday and today don't really count because they are out of the ordinary, stressful situations! Hopefully now that the Stress test is behind you, you will go back to feeling better again, and the good feelings will strengthen in time! It's great you are so committed to seeing this through. I really admire that!!

10-10-2013, 08:03 AM
I got the call this morning and there are no abnormalities on my ultrasound. Still waiting on the stress test, but I watched that one, and I know it was good. Feeling better about that, for sure. Now when I feel the "chest weirdness" feelings that I get - pinching and fullness - I know it isn't anything wrong with my heart. Now, if I can just stop freaking out about everything else... Hahaha! :)

10-10-2013, 03:59 PM
I got the call this morning and there are no abnormalities on my ultrasound. Still waiting on the stress test, but I watched that one, and I know it was good. Feeling better about that, for sure. Now when I feel the "chest weirdness" feelings that I get - pinching and fullness - I know it isn't anything wrong with my heart. Now, if I can just stop freaking out about everything else... Hahaha! :)

That is GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really happy to hear this!!! It's such a good feeling, isn't it??!!!!!! Of all the tests I've had, this one has helped me the most. I do still have weird feelings around my heart and some chest pain sometimes, but it is SO MUCH easier to deal with these things now because I really do believe, after the Stress Test, that my heart is in good shape. I'm SO GLAD you feel like this now too!!!! Woo hoo, HealthAnxNut!!!! :)

Even though we are both still worrying about other health issues, the heart - as you put it so well! - is the big kahuna!!!!!!! :)