View Full Version : What is your greatest fear?
12-18-2007, 04:10 PM
Usually people who suffer from anxiety have a fear. For example:
A fear of falling, passing out, heart attack, throwing up, failing, or whatever it may be.
When I was suffering from anxiety, my greatest fear was throwing up in front of people.
What is your fear?
12-19-2007, 12:15 PM
for as long as i remember myself i have had the phobia of throwing up in front of people,too....when i was really anxious around people(though i never had a panic attack)i would only stand still and swallow in order to avoid vommiting.
Strangely, however, now i have no particular fear...i just dont feel comfortable around people
see? i managed to overcome my fear!!!(now it;s worse - i think i am afraid of myself :tongue: )
12-19-2007, 02:15 PM
I think my greatest fears aren't really of situations, but the feelings they may create. I'm afraid of fear itself, truly (yes I know we've all heard that before!), humiliation and judgement. I could write 1,000 pages on the situations they could involve. :lol:
12-19-2007, 05:57 PM
I think my greatest fears aren't really of situations, but the feelings they may create. I'm afraid of fear itself, truly (yes I know we've all heard that before!), humiliation and judgement. I could write 1,000 pages on the situations they could involve. :lol:
Could you explain the fear of fear?
01-23-2008, 06:58 AM
i fear talkin alound in class and all eyes on me, as i know i'll get things wrong, i have no self confidence, worse fear is presentations n interviews. But i no i have to face them. Plus im scared of the dark i suffer from sleep paralysis i see things and cant move its terrifying. x
02-20-2008, 04:20 PM
I fear not getting over this anxiety, it coming back, failure, and heart problems. That about sums it up.
04-16-2008, 09:52 PM
heart problems, no confidence ( if i have to do a oral spech infront of the class i get dizzie and my eyes water)
06-25-2008, 09:12 PM
BLUSHING , most anxiey symtoms can be hidin, but blushing is my biggest fear.
06-26-2008, 01:35 PM
My worst fear is throwing up in public (and I have done it quite a number of times) and yes I do the same thing I just sit still and swallow and stay quiet. Another fear is having to go to the bathroom and not being able to get to one, another fear is having a panic attack somewhere and not being able to bring myself to make it home.
07-29-2008, 04:57 PM
Fainting or girls laughting at me.
08-10-2008, 08:46 PM
My greatest fear is being stuck with the feeling of derealazation. That feeling is the most scariest thing I can think of. I hate it so much, I'd do anything to make it never happen again. :cry:
im scared of the dark i suffer from sleep paralysis i see things and cant move its terrifying. x
me too! ive never heard of anyone else having this...well, i dont talk to anyone else so i guess that could be why...ahha
i have a fear of doing something stupid, of blushing, of having to go to the bathroom, of someone talking to me, of someone noticing that im a little 'off'
oh how fun to be us UH!!
09-01-2008, 02:20 PM
Throwing up is obviously the most important thing. When I'm nervous for something ridiculous again, I fear in the second place I'm going to throw up. Which is a vicious circle
09-05-2008, 11:41 PM
My greatest fear is starting a new job (which I have to do soon since I'm being laid off). Everything about starting a new position scares me- not knowing what to expect, making mistakes, saying something stupid, not being able to control my panic/anxiety, my inability to ask people questions, spending 8 hours in a place where I'm extremely uncomfortable, etc.
I guess that ,y biggest fear is to show that I'm nervous,unconfortable,to appear weak.I'm obsessed by the thought people could misunderstand my personality and think I'm a weak person.Because of this I tend to exagerate my ways.I'm never happy of how I act anyway.
Being sick, being in front of more than one person, blowing up, communicating with others, blanking out, more darkness, poverty, how am I really going to tell her, thinking about thinking, not becoming a husband or a dad and fear itself.
11-08-2008, 10:31 PM
I always see in dreams i have ,myself Drowning.
I cannot swim so you can see that i might think and see this.
I think my dream and fear might be simply drowning words of others.
Having been Drowned already by having panic attacks.
The water simply must represent everyday life
and how we must stay afloat to survive.
11-14-2008, 04:19 PM
My greatest fear is my anxiety destroying my life.
12-10-2008, 03:38 PM
Losing Control. Not being able to continue "functioning".
Often simple every day task become more and more overwhelming when my anxiety or depression levels are high. I'm talking about grocery shopping, buying diapers for my son, doing anything wrong or looking weak, paying bills, not remembering my work schedual and hours, Panic attacks in public places or at work, OPENING mail and ANSWERING the phone. I let mail and phone messages pile up leaving them for my poor husband to sort out.
Being judged and not being liked by people. Talking to certain people that seem to send my anxiety levels through the roof (strong, intimidating or demanding personalities).
My greatest fear though, I too am afraid that people with realise or discover that "I'm a bit off" or "flighty".
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