View Full Version : Careers and anxiety
10-09-2013, 07:48 AM
I was hoping for maybe some advice as I feel deeply confused and I'm trying not to let my anxiety get the better of me, I'm supposed to be starting a business and administration course soon and Im trying to stay positive remind myself why I'm doing it. Now this is only a 9-5 type of course mon-fri (not bad) and I think im scared of being there for a certain amount of time knowing I have to stay otherwise its all over, Also not being able to understand and I tend to be a bit sensitive and cry if I get something wrong or don't understand something after having it explained to me loads of times. Atm I don't go out and the way I see it is if I don't want to go out partying how the hell am I going to go to work ? but then my mind keeps saying to me whats the point of doing business and administration what decent job are you going to get with that but then my career advisor told me it opens up other things. I want a career I can grow on and I want to be able to cope I know when I get closer to the day I'm gonna get depressed and that's when my anxiety symptoms start then that's when I usually give up and convince myself Ive done it for all the right reasons. My bf has made it difficult because I wanna do this course which I get payed crappy money but get recognised qualifications but he wants me to work in a café but I still stood my ground and convinced him this is what I want but is it what I want??
I didn't do well at school as I didn't really go to school due to anxiety but I really wanna be something.
10-09-2013, 09:25 AM
I have the exact same issue. I get incredibly stressed when I start something new, can't concentrate make mistakes, and this insecurity just compounds the problems. Here are my suggestions, or what I'd say to myself:
a) I'll go one day and if I hate it, I'll quit. No one can force me to stay. Usually, the experience is not as bad as I think it's going to be. It still might be tough or frustrating, but ok, I get it mostly. So, I'll stick it out a little longer.
b) Try to think of the experience as the opportunity to learn something new. Don't worry about the future. Pretend the class is just for fun. Focus on studying the material.
c) Don't sabotage your studying with partying.
d) Tell your bf that one course is not necessarily going to prevent you from working in a café. A café is a business anyway, so you could one day be in a position to own the café.
e) Is it what you want? Well, the only way you'll know for sure is if you go. Try it out, you can always quit. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I realize that you've probably already thought of all these things yourself. It's always easier dispensing advice, then acting on it. Just keep in touch with us and let us know how each class is progressing. I'd love to hear about what you are learning.
10-09-2013, 10:17 AM
Hi Perses,
Thanks for the advice, Just going to take each day as it comes I suppose :)
10-09-2013, 01:20 PM
You must do the course, prove it to yourself, forget the anxiety and focus on the goal. You will be glad of it in the future. At least give it a try. Do not take any notice of what your boyfriend says about this. It's your life, your career, not his. It may be crappy money but if you learn about business you will make more money. Perhaps, who knows, if you learn a thing or two one day you could own your own cafe? (A good thing to aim for!)
In the workplace I have to be there 9-5 (or similar) every day no matter what, but I got used to it.
Generally speaking, people are nice, and friendly, and they make work bearable and even sometimes enjoyable. Don't sweat it, give your course a chance, see what you think.
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