View Full Version : new poster please read

10-09-2013, 05:18 AM
Hi im new here. ive just joined the forum. ive never spoken off this to anyone except my husband. I was just wondering does this happen to anyone else . In the last few years ive been getting these strange things happening to me..i was always a sociable drinker.. but the next day and for a few days after i would get like this shortness of breath..like cant fill my lungs with air when breath in and have to do a big gasp...i get a really tight chest and cant sleep properly..I also get this weird dropping feeling in my head and body when i look at heights on tv even or if i look up at the sky or open spaces...i went on a city break with my mother and 2 sisters.. in the airport i couldnt even look out of the window at the planes,, i couldnt sit down i had to keep moving and kept going to the toilet to avoid conversation with my own family. and i hadnt been drinking at all that week..i went on holiday with my husband recently and we had to get a train after the plane.. i couldnt look out the window at all in case saw heights or the sea or open spaces. on the airplane i could not look out the window at all..i used to love sitting at the window seat.. i feel it is so debiltising to me. i was always up to do anything.. we have moved a couple of times last few years to places where i know nobody and have to start trying to make friends from scratch. also driving is a desperate experience if ive even had a drink a few days ago.. i would only drink once a week but feel like im stuck in for days after.cant drive etc..i had a bit of an experience last year with my sister..we were at a party. had a few drnks and next day i met her. drove to a hotel to meet her..went in for a cup of tea. then all of a sudden i went to pour the tea.. i thought she would notice me if i couldnt pour the teapot properly so i looked down and couldnt look up at her again. she kept asking me if i was ok.. then i just said i have to get out of here and ran out.. she said my hands started shaking and she was afraid..i just said i hadnt eaten anything and thats why it happened but i think the fact her and her kids were looking at me asking if i was alright made me worse...also i cant face anyone that i met a day after drinking or if anyone decided to ring the doorbell and drop in as i cant look at them in the eye..its doing my head in at the moment and i want to get back to the way i used to be then i could make some new friends......so basically just wondered if anyone else gets that dropping feeling in head/ tight chest/ etc. or am i alone. i cant find anything on the net about it.thanks for reading