View Full Version : Something is really really wrong

10-08-2013, 08:23 PM
I've been holding this in for a while now because I think that people are going to think i'm crazy, but it's getting increasingly worse. I'm starting to think it's not anxiety but a mental illness or something. This happens a few times a week, but I'll explain what just happened. I was laying on my couch because I was really bored. I was looking up at the second floor of my house and the ceiling fan. It was really quiet in my house. My breathing started to get weird. It wasn't hard to breathe, but I could here my breath in my head. My heart felt like it stopped beating. I put my hand over my heart and it felt like it was gently buzzing, not beating. My eyes started to play tricks on me. I was focusing on my ceiling fan and it dissapeared from my vision. It was like the fan just blended in with the ceiling. I blinked really hard and it was back. The upstairs of my house seemed like it was bigger than usual, like I was in a palace or something. There was this really weird feeling that I got but it's almost impossible to explain. I got up and ran to my computer to type this. I have no idea what is going on! I just don't know anymore :(

10-08-2013, 09:11 PM
I've been holding this in for a while now because I think that people are going to think i'm crazy, but it's getting increasingly worse. I'm starting to think it's not anxiety but a mental illness or something. This happens a few times a week, but I'll explain what just happened. I was laying on my couch because I was really bored. I was looking up at the second floor of my house and the ceiling fan. It was really quiet in my house. My breathing started to get weird. It wasn't hard to breathe, but I could here my breath in my head. My heart felt like it stopped beating. I put my hand over my heart and it felt like it was gently buzzing, not beating. My eyes started to play tricks on me. I was focusing on my ceiling fan and it dissapeared from my vision. It was like the fan just blended in with the ceiling. I blinked really hard and it was back. The upstairs of my house seemed like it was bigger than usual, like I was in a palace or something. There was this really weird feeling that I got but it's almost impossible to explain. I got up and ran to my computer to type this. I have no idea what is going on! I just don't know anymore :(

I don't think you should have been sitting in a completely quiet place watching a fan spin, that wouldn't make me feel good either and it would make my eyes go crazy, your breathing probably got weird because it was so silent in your home and you could really hear each breath and your heartbeat. Just my opinion.

10-08-2013, 09:16 PM
The anxiety can make you feel like you are going crazy. You get surges of adrenaline and nothing to do with it, so your mind races.

Plenty of people on the boards here thought/think they might be going crazy, don't give into the anxiety.

10-08-2013, 09:18 PM
Maybe you were nodding off

10-08-2013, 10:11 PM
Whenever I have super bad anxiety, I am feel like I am completely insane. I usually contemplate checking myself into a mental hospital out loud to my family and fiance. So it's normal, I think to feel like you've lost all control of your mind when you have anxiety.

All those other things sound like panic attack symptoms to me, too. It IS anxiety. Extreme anxiety making you feel physically ill.

I get that whole problem where I can't tell how big or small a room is. Like I lose my depth perception and things get blurry. I've sometimes literally shut my eyes and curled up in a ball when that has happened because I'm scared I'm losing control of my eye sight if that makes sense.

And the breathing and heartbeat thing are very, very common panic attack symptoms.

Just letting you know, you are NOT crazy and we've all felt this stuff before.

10-09-2013, 05:45 PM
Thanks for the reassurance guys. I just got really scared because my dad had a stroke when he was 28 so that leaves me prone to transient ischemic attacks. When ever I get anxiety symptoms I always tend to think that they are mini strokes or something.

10-09-2013, 07:38 PM
I get this all of the time too. I'm young -21- and anxiety literally can take over your life. Just calm yourself down even though it's hard. Try lying on the floor flat with candles and calming music. That's how I calm myself down when I feel weird or anxious

10-09-2013, 08:02 PM
Yep know exactly how you feel and just stop thinking of it because the more you think of it as something unusual, the more chance you have of it happening again and next time it could be worse. just face that its something you'll never figure out haha!