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10-08-2013, 07:30 PM
Does anyone wake up to a asthma attack where your suffering to breath do y'all think it's anxiety related there really scary ;(

10-08-2013, 09:13 PM
Does anyone wake up to a asthma attack where your suffering to breath do y'all think it's anxiety related there really scary ;(

I have really bad asthma and there is a HUGE difference in my anxiety "I can't breathe feeling" and my asthma attack "I literally cannot breath and have to go to the ER" for a breathing treatment/steroid.

10-08-2013, 10:14 PM
We need more descriptions of how you feel.

I get sleep apnea induced by anxiety where I literally stop breathing in my sleep and wake-up gasping and hysterical and feeling like I am being choked. Is it like that?

Or do you just wake-up having a panic attack or something?

10-09-2013, 04:09 AM
We need more descriptions of how you feel. I get sleep apnea induced by anxiety where I literally stop breathing in my sleep and wake-up gasping and hysterical and feeling like I am being choked. Is it like that? Or do you just wake-up having a panic attack or something?

Yep exactly how u describe I literally stop breating & I wake up gasping for it like (choking )

10-09-2013, 05:04 AM
It's called sleep apnea then. I have gone through it a ton of times. *hugs* It's really, really scary. It feels like you are going to die and I've gotten scared to go to sleep because of it. And there were nights where I woke-up multiple times from it.

What helps is to lay on your side rather than your back. It makes it less likely that you'll wake up gasping at least.

Also, when you do wake-up gasping, do something nice for yourself like watching a tv show (this is what I do) to calm down from how scary it is.

Just know that I've had this problem a ton of times in my lifetime and I've never died from it. I don't know if you are scared of that happening, I'm just mentioning it to try to comfort you if you are because sleep apnea makes you feel like you could die in your sleep. Or at the very least panic hysterically when you first wake-up and are gasping for breathe!

10-09-2013, 10:34 AM
It's called sleep apnea then. I have gone through it a ton of times. *hugs* It's really, really scary. It feels like you are going to die and I've gotten scared to go to sleep because of it. And there were nights where I woke-up multiple times from it. What helps is to lay on your side rather than your back. It makes it less likely that you'll wake up gasping at least. Also, when you do wake-up gasping, do something nice for yourself like watching a tv show (this is what I do) to calm down from how scary it is. Just know that I've had this problem a ton of times in my lifetime and I've never died from it. I don't know if you are scared of that happening, I'm just mentioning it to try to comfort you if you are because sleep apnea makes you feel like you could die in your sleep. Or at the very least panic hysterically when you first wake-up and are gasping for breathe!

Thank so much I am afraid to go to sleep one time I couldn't breath for so long I threw up and peed on myself I thought my water had broke :( I was pregnant at that time ...but what Causes sleep apnea? ... It's really scary waking up like that

10-09-2013, 11:15 AM
It's different things for different people that causes it. For you, it's probably just because you are so anxious all the time that your brain forgets to tell you to breathe in your sleep sometimes. But it's okay because whenever this happens, you automatically wake up. Your body knows to do so because as soon as you wake-up, you start breathing again. So you can't die from it. Your body won't let you. It just feels really scary because your body is in full alert mode then.

Other things can cause it, too. Like having an overbite can make you more likely to get it and if you snore, you are more likely, too.

If it's really super scary for you, you can consider going to the doctor and doing a sleep study. They have breathing machines that prevent your body from doing this and let you get a very restful sleep that they will give you if they diagnose you with sleep apnea. But I've never used a breathing machine. I just deal with it on my own.