View Full Version : Kind of freaking out

Slammed Vdub
10-08-2013, 07:12 PM
So i havent had any issues for a while now. Today i started something new with work and i was so excited. The only problem was that i didnt eat anything all day so when i finally got home i was weak, tired and felt like crap. Also i had a giant monster energy drink during the day which doent help. (also energy drinks is what started my first anxiety attack a few years back. i drank to much with no food and became shaky and couldnt feel my arms. Bad choice i know.) Anyways i ate and ate, i soon felt more energized and better. At the same time i started to feel some pressure in the left side of my head. This pressure became worse and made the entire left side of my head feel internally warm which made all hell break loose. Now i am relapsing to my previous anxiety issues i once had. I am not only anxious, but also disappointing as i thought i had this beaten. I really want to beat this down before it gets worse. Anyone have advise? And of course all the head pressure and pain made a list of deadly things pop into my head.. :/

10-08-2013, 10:21 PM
I recommend you never having energy drinks or caffeine again, first of all. (And possibly alcohol.) I know that sounds harsh, but they DO induce anxiety. I've given up all three things entirely because every time I have them, I have a panic attack or a mental breakdown. My system is already extremely stimulated, so adding stimulants can definitely make it a whole lot worse. I know those drinks are yummy, but I never feel like they are worth the horror I feel afterwards.

Anyway, I get scared of headaches and pressure, too, in my head, although not nearly as bad as I used to now that I am almost over having health anxiety. I don't know if this will help telling you this, but probably you just crashed physically after the high of your energy drink. Because you got a huge high from not eating.

10-09-2013, 08:33 AM
I have recently given up caffeine and alcohol. The worst was beer. I know I'm a lady, but I REALLY enjoy a few beers (like 2) on the weekends. And I may get back to it, but for now, I want to see how my system/anxiety does without it. Caffeine I know was the worst culprit. It made me feel out of control and ALWAYS gave me symptoms. Not worth it. I get afraid of headaches. Occasionally I'll get sharp pains on one side of my head (which I think is from jaw clenching) and it FREAKS ME OUT. But it makes sense that an off day with eating and caffeine brought on that headache. I hope one bad day doesn't lead to more bad days for you!