View Full Version : Heart rate help

10-08-2013, 08:16 AM
Last night I was laying in bed and felt relaxed and checked my pulse it was 58! I freaked out normally my resting heart rate is low-mid 60's, is it normal for it to go a bit lower when relaxed just prior to sleeping?

10-08-2013, 08:45 AM
Anyone? Please

10-08-2013, 08:49 AM
Of course. It's not too big a jump really, mid 60s going down to 58.

10-08-2013, 08:54 AM
Of course. It's not too big a jump really, mid 60s going down to 58.

It's the lowest I have ever seen for myself and I'm not a "fit" person nor do I exercise often. So seeing it at 58 has me concerned. I had an ECG done on at the end of August as I was having a panic attack and my heart rate was 145 and they said there are no abnormalities so should it be safe to say that I am okay?

10-08-2013, 09:03 AM
Last night I was laying in bed and felt relaxed and checked my pulse it was 58! I freaked out normally my resting heart rate is low-mid 60's, is it normal for it to go a bit lower when relaxed just prior to sleeping? I'm having this same exact issue, I had to check to see if I wrote this !!!!! What the heck

10-08-2013, 09:11 AM
I'm having this same exact issue, I had to check to see if I wrote this !!!!! What the heck

Last week I exercised for 20-30mins 3 days out of 7, the other days I did some walking around and last night I was laying in bed feeling relaxed and content so I checked my pulse and instead it freaked me out. I think because they say normal is 60-100 so being out I that range or too high in it causes panic.

10-08-2013, 09:13 AM
I should add that according to my bmi I'm considered overweight. I'm 5'4 and 155... Which I might add happened when I switched to Prozac :(

10-08-2013, 09:27 AM
Yes I as well have been exercising and according to my bmi I am very obese , I working on if tho :)

10-08-2013, 09:28 AM
Your concern with heart rate has been my biggest anxiety issue lately I fear if it goes to low I will pass out- I have also had bouts of dizziness hear of late

10-08-2013, 09:29 AM
I should add that according to my bmi I'm considered overweight. I'm 5'4 and 155... Which I might add happened when I switched to Prozac :( that bites I just started Prozac two weeks ago : I

10-08-2013, 09:32 AM
Your concern with heart rate has been my biggest anxiety issue lately I fear if it goes to low I will pass out- I have also had bouts of dizziness hear of late

I just went to an ent yesterday because I get feelings that the floor is moving up and down or aisles in stores feel like they are moving all in all I feel off balance. The dr said I have nothing wrong though.

10-08-2013, 09:44 AM
that bites I just started Prozac two weeks ago : I

I've heard of a few ppl who took Prozac and it helped control their weight. Everyone is different that's all.

10-08-2013, 09:56 AM
If u don't mind my asking what mg are you taking? Mine is 10 mg Prozac

10-08-2013, 10:01 AM
I started at 10 then I hit a plateau, went to 20 hit a plateau lol now I'm on 30. For myself each time it was after 4 months.

10-08-2013, 11:17 AM
Ok thank you. Do you ever experience foggy or dizziness when your heart rate goes into high 50s low 60s?

10-08-2013, 11:22 AM
I've heard of a few ppl who took Prozac and it helped control their weight. Everyone is different that's all.

I liked Prozac. Gave me lots of energy, so I went walking a lot, got in good shape. Didn't eat masses of food either. Pity it didn't work for me, and my next AD caused a tonne of weight gain. Remeron doesn't play around. I swear that drug is owned by some food companies. The things anxiety takes you through :-/

How often do you check your heart rate a day?

10-08-2013, 11:23 AM
Last night was the first time I ever saw my heart rate at 58, normally it's in the 60's. However this morning thinking about it I felt a bit dizzy and off, but I think that's because I'm creating it. Last night I was so calm and relaxed I felt great and even after seeing it say 58 I could feel the adrenaline yet my heart rate didn't move much maybe 65ish. Do you have a low rate often?

10-08-2013, 11:25 AM
I liked Prozac. Gave me lots of energy, so I went walking a lot, got in good shape. Didn't eat masses of food either. Pity it didn't work for me, and my next AD caused a tonne of weight gain. Remeron doesn't play around. I swear that drug is owned by some food companies. The things anxiety takes you through :-/ How often do you check your heart rate a day?

Oh you know all the time! I normally do it when I feel calm or working out to see how well I bounce back to normal. I don't do it during panic attacks but for some reason yesterday seeing it below the norm of 60 especially when I'm not that fit freaked me out.... I'm still worrying about it :(

10-08-2013, 11:33 AM
How old are you? I see patients everyday with heart rates in the sixties and they drop to the fifties, it is normal for your heart rate to decrease when you are breathing out as well, if your breathing was slower (because you were resting) your heart rate will subsequently decrease. A drop of 2bpm is absolutely nothing to fear. Don't stress :)

10-08-2013, 11:38 AM
How old are you? I see patients everyday with heart rates in the sixties and they drop to the fifties, it is normal for your heart rate to decrease when you are breathing out as well, if your breathing was slower (because you were resting) your heart rate will subsequently decrease. A drop of 2bpm is absolutely nothing to fear. Don't stress :)

I'm 26. Do you work in the medical field?

10-08-2013, 11:41 AM
At 26 that is a totally normal heart rate. I'm am ER nurse

10-08-2013, 11:48 AM
At 26 that is a totally normal heart rate. I'm am ER nurse

Even for being overweight and mostly a sedentary lifestyle? Granted I am trying To exercise when I can and keep my body moving. I work in a hospital too but a desk job.

10-08-2013, 11:49 AM
I was really worried about my low heart rate too. I'm a 49 year old woman and my resting heart rate is always around 56-58. When I'm lying in bed my heart rate goes down to 48! This really made me nervous. Especially because it feels weird sometimes when it's that low. I am quite fit and I exercise every day and my weight is normal, but no way am I an athlete!

At any rate, I had several heart tests done, all of which were normal. The one which really put my mind at rest was the Stress Echo test. This test is really thorough, much more thorough than an EKG. The cardiologist was very complimentary about my heart health and fitness level and sent me away feeling really good about my heart. She also said it is not abnormal at all to have a resting heart rate in the 50's and for it to drop to the 40's when you're in bed.

I would really recommend having a Stress Echo done to put your mind at rest. Finally I have been able to stop worrying about my heart after having that test (though I still worry about a ton of other stuff!)

Good luck to you, onebreathatatime!

10-08-2013, 11:52 AM
I was really worried about my low heart rate too. I'm a 49 year old woman and my resting heart rate is always around 56-58. When I'm lying in bed my heart rate goes down to 48! This really made me nervous. Especially because it feels weird sometimes when it's that low. I am quite fit and I exercise every day, but no way am I an athlete! At any rate, I had several heart tests done, but the one which really put my mind at rest was the Stress Echo test. This test is really thorough, much more thorough than an EKG. The cardiologist was very complimentary about my heart health and fitness level and sent me away feeling really good about my heart. She also said it is not abnormal at all to have a resting heart rate in the 50's and for it to drop to the 40's when you're in bed. I would really recommend having a Stress Echo done to put your mind at rest. Finally I have been able to stop worrying about my heart after having that test (though I still worry about a ton of other stuff!) Good luck to you, onebreathatatime!

Yah I should talk to my dr about getting that done. My family dr is not always easy to convince to send me for tests, I think partly because of my age but also having anxiety and panic disorder make it easier for her to write me off.

10-08-2013, 11:57 AM
Yah I should talk to my dr about getting that done. My family dr is not always easy to convince to send me for tests, I think partly because of my age but also having anxiety and panic disorder make it easier for her to write me off.

I TOTALLY had that problem with my doctor too! She was definitely blowing me off because of my anxiety and panic, and I actually complained about her attitude because I was so fed up. Since then, things have definitely been better with her and I do feel she is making more effort to take my physical health concerns seriously.

Really hope you're able to get the test and that everything works out fine!

10-08-2013, 02:14 PM
I TOTALLY had that problem with my doctor too! She was definitely blowing me off because of my anxiety and panic, and I actually complained about her attitude because I was so fed up. Since then, things have definitely been better with her and I do feel she is making more effort to take my physical health concerns seriously.

Really hope you're able to get the test and that everything works out fine!

Were you nervous during this test? I was just reading up on the process which sounds simple enough although my biggest fear is having heart problems/blood pressure. Normally my blood pressure sky rockets when I am doing anything related to Dr's. I have just as of recently been able to remain calm at my family Dr's, that my blood pressure doesn't do this. I would be worried that I would alter the results?

10-08-2013, 03:03 PM
Were you nervous during this test? I was just reading up on the process which sounds simple enough although my biggest fear is having heart problems/blood pressure. Normally my blood pressure sky rockets when I am doing anything related to Dr's. I have just as of recently been able to remain calm at my family Dr's, that my blood pressure doesn't do this. I would be worried that I would alter the results?

I was definitely nervous about doing the test. And, ironically, my heart rate was a lot higher than normal before I even started!! Having just told them how worried I was that my resting heart rate was so low, the nurse then clipped that thing to my finger while I was just sitting there, and my heart rate was something like 72!! Before I even stood up!! :-) ;) Also, the room was quite warm and I didn't dress lightly enough so I started sweating and I felt self-conscious about that. And, I hadn't really used a treadmill before so I was scared I might fall of!!!! But everyone was so nice. And they talked me through everything and they increase the treadmill very gradually so there is no danger of stumbling and falling off it.

I was also really pleased that an actual cardiologist was conducting the test and monitoring everything. There was also a very nice nurse there. So I felt like I was in good hands (I was still a nervous though, even though the test itself is completely painless).

10-08-2013, 03:11 PM
PS: Also, re altering the results, I don't think that is the case for this test, even if you are nervous. For this test, they actually want your heart to be under stress because they need to see how well your heart muscles are working, specifically, whether blood is flowing to your heart correctly. They check the different chambers of the heart and they are looking at electrical activity and whether there are any weakness or irregularities anywhere. They also want to see whether or not your heart rate rises steadily while you exert yourself (it should rise steadily) and also how quickly it drops back to normal when you stop exercising.