View Full Version : New to this!

10-08-2013, 03:36 AM
Hey everyone i'm new to this and been dealing with health anxiety for the last 7 weeks since my little girl had her operation and the doctor didnt really explain to me what they had done so i googled it all and scared myself with what i read and now i keep thinking that theres something really wrong with me!

Right now i keep thinkin ive got appendicitus and its going to rupture and i'm goin to die :( even thou ive been to the doctors and a&e and theyve said it isnt that and there goin to send me for a ultrasound scan to make sure everythings as it should be!

10-08-2013, 09:04 AM
Sounds like you have health anxiety.

Do you have any other symptoms?

10-08-2013, 09:08 AM
Yes loads lightheadedness/constantly feel tired/ feel like i'm in a dream/ fear of dying/ abdominal pain/ headaches/ chest pain/ heart flutters quite often

10-08-2013, 09:09 AM
The list in endless :(

10-08-2013, 09:54 AM
It does sound like anxiety created by your stressful period...I am also going through what you're saying, except for tiredness.

10-08-2013, 09:59 AM
I used to worry about getting appendicitis, too, whenever I had a stomach ache. Your body is probably just digesting things though. You might be constipated a little bit, for instance.

I had kidney stones and that's what cured me of my fear of appendicitis. If you had appendicitis, from my experience with kidney stones (it feels pretty similar, I believe), you wouldn't be able to function at all right now. You'd be stuck in bed and in the worst pain of your life and unable to even type things on a computer for the most part because it will feel too difficult.

Also, with disease like appendicitis, they are bacterial infections, so you would have a high fever if you had it. This is a way you can comfort yourself without going to the doctor. Take your temperature. If it's normal, then you can feel one hundred percent positive that you are okay.

10-08-2013, 10:00 AM
Yes an the doctors didnt help because on the day of my daughters surgery they said they was doin a 1hr procedure and then did a diff procedure that lasted 4hrz :(

Just hard to accept that all this is anxiety been to a&e more times than i can remember blood count is normal ecg is normal.

Currently taking propranolol 80mg bt doesnt seem to be helpin me much well was ok for like a week and then my sister got diagnosed with an ovarian cyst and then i get all this abdominal pain :(

10-08-2013, 10:01 AM
Awww thank you for the reply i know deep down it isnt appendicitus cuz the pain isnt severe bt then a part of me is sayin what if it is :( and cuz i googled and it said some people have no symptoms til it bursts it freaked me out

10-08-2013, 03:15 PM
Awww thank you for the reply i know deep down it isnt appendicitus cuz the pain isnt severe bt then a part of me is sayin what if it is :( and cuz i googled and it said some people have no symptoms til it bursts it freaked me out

Trust your doctors :) I have health anxiety also and one huge mistake we make is thinking we know more just by googling than people who have had years of training and lots of experience with people's health. Yes you hear stories of doctors getting it wrong but that is extremely extremely rare. You don't hear of all the cases they get right because people don't feel the need to write about them.

Every symptom you describe here I have had myself one time or another from anxiety, and I have been to multiple doctors about it and all of them were more worried about my mental health.

One thing I will say is never ever google your symptoms, trust me an ache in your big toe can lead back to cancer or something life threatening by google. If you MUST search a symptom try putting "anxiety" in front of it.

10-08-2013, 03:45 PM
Thank you for your kind reply i will try my hardest to now put the word anxiety in front of any symptom i may be having at that time :D

Health anxiety is horrible in get worried that i'll put everything down to anxiety and miss something serious. This is something i really need to overcome before i can get rid of the anxiety

10-08-2013, 04:10 PM
Thank you for your advice and i will try and do the anxiety + symptom thing. I just get scared that i'll put everything down to anxiety and miss something important :(

This health anxiety is horrible :(

10-08-2013, 04:45 PM
It is so easy to get anxious about our health when it is usually caused by anxiety. I always get pains checked by my GP and then if OK I know it is anxiety and another symptom to learn to cope with. The trouble is anxiety can raise its head in so many ways for us.

10-08-2013, 04:59 PM
Yes loads lightheadedness/constantly feel tired/ feel like i'm in a dream/ fear of dying/ abdominal pain/ headaches/ chest pain/ heart flutters quite often

These are the symptoms I have and I have health anxiety to, every pain I think I'm dying x

10-09-2013, 01:06 AM
Yeah and me :(

10-09-2013, 08:14 AM
Hun, I completely understand! As my name implies, my anxiety is about my health. I feel a symptom, and it triggers all sorts of concerns about my health, and also a panic reaction in my body. The panic starts before I really know what's going on. I'll feel a pinch somewhere near my heart, and BOOM, the panic starts rising, and I have to talk myself out of it. But all along, I'm wondering if I'm the one, if I'm the "perfectly healthy" person who will die of something that doctors missed. It's awful. I can only say that it takes time to really trust that it's the anxiety. Also, having some testing done does ease the mind a bit. It gives you something to tell yourself in those moments. "My test was clear, and the odds are VERY low that I'm going to die right now, and I've lived through these EXACT symptoms before" or something along those lines. I am sorry hun. :(

10-09-2013, 08:56 AM
I'm tryin to rele talk myself out of the situations so i dnt need to run to the hospital everytime to be told i'm ok.

My doctor seems reluctant to do any tests on me and refuses to do more blood tests as i only had some done in june and he says nothing would have massively changed since then an given my circumstances and the stress ive been under that it is all just anxiety.

Ive had a ecg done like 8 times and each time its been fine. My blood tests in june was fine and ie been referred for a ultrasound scan due to abdominal pain.

Its just really hard to believe that its all down to anxiety everyday i'm gettin chest pain, abdominal pain, or the shakes or something like that its horrible just wanna feel like me again.

10-17-2013, 01:42 AM
Welcome we are all here to help each other

10-17-2013, 01:50 AM
Thank you :)