View Full Version : Scared... treadmill stress test tomorrow :(

10-07-2013, 12:26 PM
I'm scared to death of this test. I know it sounds silly, but I just started Wellbutrin a few weeks ago, and it makes me jittery. I'm afraid I'll get on there and have a heart attack. Has anyone had one, and/or do you have any words of comfort for me? Feeling majorly sorry for myself today.

10-07-2013, 12:47 PM
Hi HealthAnxNut, Yes, I had a stress test recently and of all the heart tests I have ever had, I found this one to be by far the most helpful. In fact, it has really put my mind at rest about my heart. I think it's because this test is so thorough. It's not like an EKG where you just lie there for less than a minute and they take a snapshot reading of your heart. The stress test lasts about 15 minutes and during that time you can watch on the monitor to see exactly what your heart and your blood pressure are doing as you exercise. Also, there is a cardiologist right there with you the whole time! Not just any old doctor, a cardiologist! I found that very comforting too. There is also at least one nurse there and they are so friendly and nice and they will take great care of you.

I understand why you are nervous. I was nervous too, but honestly, you will be in the best possible hands and it is really good to do this test because they can really tell a lot about your heart from it. I have never really used a treadmill before so I was also anxious about falling off it!! But they are really careful with you and they don't suddenly make it go super-fast or anything. It's all done very gradually. The whole thing is totally painless and there are at least two medical professionals with you the entire time. And you can watch on the monitor and see exactly what your heart is doing, which I found very reassuring.

The only thing that made me uncomfortable was that the room was hot and I felt hot and I started sweating which made me a bit uncomfortable. So I would advise you to dress lightly, say, just a thin T-shirt and some light sweat pants. I think you will feel more comfortable like that.

I really hope the test goes well HealthAnxNut and I think it's great you're having it done. I'm sure they will take excellent care of you!! Good luck and you can do this!!!!!!

10-07-2013, 01:33 PM
Thank you so much tailspin. Your replies always make me feel better! I am on the verge of tears all day because I am scared. Also, because I'm still feeling a bit jittery from this new med. Being honest, I really don't think there is anything wrong with my heart, but my health anxiety keeps me full of IFs and BUTs, and I hate it. How did yours come out?

10-07-2013, 05:17 PM
Thank you so much tailspin. Your replies always make me feel better! I am on the verge of tears all day because I am scared. Also, because I'm still feeling a bit jittery from this new med. Being honest, I really don't think there is anything wrong with my heart, but my health anxiety keeps me full of IFs and BUTs, and I hate it. How did yours come out?

I totally understand where you are coming from, HealthAnxNut!! I was the same. And I still worry about other aspects of my health. But - for now anyway!! - the stress test really did put my mind at rest about my heart. I had been worried because my resting heart rate is generally very low (in the 50's, and even lower when I'm in bed) and sometimes this makes me feel really weird. Everything I've read about resting heart rates seems to say that a resting heart rate of below 60 beats per minute is abnormal, unless you are a professional athlete (which I'm not!!). So even though I'd had EKG's and various other heart tests, I will still worried that my resting heart rate was too low (obviously my heart rate goes up when I'm moving around and when I exercise, but it's always low when I'm sitting down or when I'm in bed - unless I"m having a panic attack!!). Anyhow, the cardiologist said I was in great shape! And she said there was nothing abnormal about my low resting heart rate and that it went up nice and steadily when I exercised on the treadmill and then dropped back down again quickly when I stopped - which, apparently, is a good sign. So I really came away from the test feeling good about my heart and so far (it's been about a month since the test) I have really managed to stop worrying about my heart (though, as I say, I still worry about other aspects of my health).

Anyhow, I really, really hope you get on well tomorrow!!!! And that you feel tons better afterwards!! Good luck!!!!! I'll look forward to hear how you get on!!

10-08-2013, 03:15 PM
How did you get on today HealthAnxNut? Really hope it went well!

10-09-2013, 07:50 AM
REALLY really appreciate you tailspin. I was rescheduled for today, and I'm sweatin' it this morning. :/ I think I'd only be half as anxious if I wasn't on this stupid new med. Yes, I am calling it stupid. It's made me MORE anxious for two weeks, so we're not on the best terms yet. lol It really helped me to read your account of what happened with you. I am VERY nervous about them finding something wrong. It's the organ of organs, and we don't want anything to be wrong with the big kahuna. I have already felt my arm tingling this morning, and that tight feeling in my throat, but I'm working on keeping myself as calm as possible. I will def let you know when I get back.

Ps) They are doing an ultrasound of the heart afterward, and I won't get those results for a few days. Waiting sucks!!

10-09-2013, 11:26 AM
Oh, I'm sorry to hear you got re-scheduled!! That is not fair!! Glad to hear the delay is only one day at least. But still!! I hope you are having the test right now and it will soon be over, with good results!!! I'm sorry there will still be a bit of waiting for the ultrasound results, but they can still tell a lot from the other part of the test so I'm keeping everything crossed that will put your mind at rest!

I definitely understand your anxiety, HealthAnxNut!! Haha to the big kahuna!! :) Yes, we definitely want to make sure it's working properly!!!

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!