View Full Version : Where can I get help?

12-12-2007, 10:27 PM
I think this forum is great, and it gives me a lot more insight on the world of anxiety and that you are not the only one. So I've read loads of topics, and most of them are of peoples anxiety experiences and how they came to get it.

Then I read a few solutions, which included: better diet, getting religious, stopping/starting pot, taking medication, hypnosis.

This hasnt helped me at all. My diet is great and almost always has been, and i've stopped smoking pot long ago(after it triggered anxiety attacks for over a year). I dont want to take the path of religion and I definitely dont want to take any medication for an extended period of time or for the rest of my life(but my anxiety is getting worse that i'm actually starting to consider it). I also tried hypnosis recently and it didnt work on me.

I have been suffering from anxiety attacks for 6 years now. The first anxiety attack i got was when i was 17 and i smoked pot for the first time while in a car, and minutes later we had a major accident(I wasnt driving, everyone was ok, but the car was totaled)

I'm tired of my anxiety, it's ruining my life. I think what contributes to my anxiety the most is probably my negative thinking patterns.

I am willing to do everything to be able to live a normal life again.

Please let me know what options there are.

Thank you. :D

12-13-2007, 07:31 PM
I still have anxiety, but what gave me control over panic attacks was working out regularly. Daily exercise is one of the greatest tools for your body to fight stress/anxiety.

If you believe your negative thinking patterns are contributing to your anxiety, I would consider going into cognitive behavioral therapy. Therapy is a scary thing to start, but it soon becomes a lifeline and can greatly help.

Also, related to the negative thought patterns, there are a couple books that might aid you. The first is called Undoing Perpetual Stress (by Richard O'Connor), and the second is When Going Through Hell... Don't Stop! (by Douglas Bloch).

That is my two cents. I am sure other users have opinions as well.

Good luck and best wishes.

12-14-2007, 08:05 AM
In my opinion, following a program is what helped me. Just floating around getting advice on forums is hit or miss. Some good advice, some bad, etc. I really recommend the program at www.PanicBook.com (http://www.PanicBook.com). It helped me tremendously, I haven't had a PA in years. No matter what you do, there's no magic bullet, YOU have to change and it will take some effort. You can overcome it though, I'm evidence of that.

12-14-2007, 11:15 AM
Negative thinking could be the problem. Yes you can change your diet, meditate, and do hypnosis but you will still have anxiety attacks until you change your mindset.