View Full Version : arms

10-06-2013, 02:58 PM
does anyone's arms ache / have pains in daily?

10-07-2013, 06:06 PM
What types of aches and pains? I get aches and pains all over. I get them a lot in my arms too especially the left one. It feels like a deep throbbing pain. I'm not sure if it's anxiety related or not. It probably is seeing how I'm otherwise pretty healthy but I'm a hypochondriac so I *look* for things to be wrong with me.

10-09-2013, 04:31 AM
I also agree with mykids12. I too get pain in both arms on a daily basis. It is a deep, cramping pain, and sometimes I'm scared something is wrong with me, but I try to remember it's just my hypochondria kicking in. Strained muscles or pinched nerves won't show up in x-rays, but I found that getting an EKG and blood test, (and coming back completely normal!) helped me cope with the fear of the pain.

10-09-2013, 08:04 AM
I get pain, numbness, tingling, etc in my left arm on a daily basis. My hand feels extremely heavy at times. I believe it is nerve-related, as I also notice my neck and shoulder hurt on that side as well. But it's terrifying.