View Full Version : Relationship Anxiety

10-06-2013, 01:05 PM
Anyone else ever have relationship anxiety all the time?

I'm always anxious about my relationship with my fiance. Either I'm scared he's going to leave me or I get scared I'm not in love with him. I also get scared that I am going to mess up all the time and scared when we get into fights that we can't work it out.

I literally get so freaked out all the time that I am hysterical. Sometimes I can't even stand being with my fiance because I get so scared around him and other times I get super clingy because I'm so scared.

I live with him, so I'm on edge almost 24/7 sometimes.

It's a big mess and I want to know if other people dealt with it and how they got over it or what they are doing to try to get over it right now.

10-06-2013, 06:20 PM
Have you met with a therapist? Sometimes something else is bothering you at a different level(psychologically) and it manifests in anxiety(about almost anything). Some folks are just predisposed to it. Alankay

10-06-2013, 06:49 PM
I've been seeing a therapist for 6 months about it.

10-06-2013, 10:53 PM
I feel you. It's bad when you are together because it's a constant reminder but worse apart because it adds a new dimension of anxiety. I feel so lame like I create drama when I want to talk about it when it's all just me.

10-06-2013, 11:32 PM
I feel you. It's bad when you are together because it's a constant reminder but worse apart because it adds a new dimension of anxiety. I feel so lame like I create drama when I want to talk about it when it's all just me.

I can completely relate to what you are saying here.

I decided to always tell my fiance about my anxiety because a big part of how it started is that I held in my anxiety that I started feeling for 8 months until it snowballed into this GIGANTIC thing. But it happens almost every day and it makes me feel like a drama queen.

I asked him how he sees me the other day and he said he saw me as a delicate woman who cries a lot and is scared all the time. LOL. I don't want him to see me that way, but it kind of makes sense to me as horrible as that sounds.

10-07-2013, 08:05 AM
Exactly. And who wants to be seen like that!? Lol it's funny but I feel like such a loser