View Full Version : Could this be anxiety!

12-12-2007, 12:41 PM
Started right after my daughter was born. After the wife and I found out we were pregnant I began to have to urinate constantly. I go to uro. and they test urine do cysto and full work up and nothing wrong. Been to family doctor and all is well. Been having same problem on and off for 3 years. I've now been noticing that I'm not sleeping well, having headaches, upset stomach, and constantly worrying over the stupidest things. I can't seem to relax or not have to go to the bathroom. I'm considering going back to family doctor to discuss anxiety as a cause because otherwise I seem to be 100% healthy.

Any thoughts.

12-12-2007, 01:38 PM
Sounds like it to me. I've read alot where people start suffering anxiety after having a child. I'd go to the doctor and let them know whats up they'll probably prescribe you pills (I'm not a fan of) or offer to send you to a physcologist.

12-12-2007, 03:49 PM
Hi cec

One of the unfortunate biological reactions to fear is that the autonomic nervous system triggers your bladder and bowels to empty. This serves a purpose in that it sheds excess weight, enabling us to flee faster from whatever is scaring us.


12-14-2007, 11:57 AM
Years ago when I had my first issues with anxiety, one night I couldn't sleep and had attacks all night, I decided to go to the doctor. That mornign I continued to have attacks and had to urinate 5-6 times, with a large volume and I hadn't drank anything since the night before. I had always wondered why that happened. Makes sense.