View Full Version : I can hardly breathe

10-04-2013, 04:02 PM
Today was generally a good day, apart from the fact that I could barley breathe. The thing is, I don't know if it is anxiety. I have a feeling it is due to Pectus excavatum, which is where my rib cage is abnormally growing around my heart and lungs making an indent in my chest. If so, I'm going to have to get a 100k dollar surgery (including hospital bills and the surgery itself.) The surgery is basically going to be sticking a poll into my rib cage to guide its growth. Health insurance wont cover it, so I might as well just die. It could be asthma but I haven't even felt asthma in 7 years, it might be from second hand smoke from my brother's smoking, or maybe just from anxiety itself. My legs felt numb and feel like they have fallen asleep all day. Is this a pretty common anxiety symptom, or should I be worried about dying?