View Full Version : New Odd symptoms -_-

10-04-2013, 01:36 PM
So I've been undergoing the most stress I've ever encountered in my life, mother is in icu critically ill.
But regarding my symptoms
Here it goes:
Shortness of breath( feels cold when I inhale sometimes)
Chest flutters .. Choking sensation.
And a fear of getting an asthma attack and dying /:
My mother went into cardiac arrest and is in a coma and now I think that might happen if I don't get enough .oxygen /:
I've never been diagnosed with asthma but I remember using an inhaler during a "attack" and it only made it worse.
I also have Turbinate Hypertrophy so one of my pores is always blocked and makes it even harder to breathe.
Have any of you guys felt some of these symptoms ?

10-16-2013, 10:41 AM
Sorry you are going through a hard time. Now is the time to have faith that your mother will pull through. Any time a negative thought enters your mind push it out and replace it with a positive thought.

Hang in there.