View Full Version : Best OTC Social Phobia Medication ?

10-04-2013, 08:40 AM
Hello, I was wondering if any of you guys can tell me what the most effective Over The Counter (OTC) medication you have taken for SP ?

I don't really know what caused any of my social phobia, anxiety etc. It's strange why I even have it because I cannot think of what caused it. :/

10-09-2013, 06:14 AM
Hello, I was wondering if any of you guys can tell me what the most effective Over The Counter (OTC) medication you have taken for SP ?

I don't really know what caused any of my social phobia, anxiety etc. It's strange why I even have it because I cannot think of what caused it. :/

Alcohol :P

Or 5htp - works a little like anti depressants, and you can get it from health shops.

10-09-2013, 06:49 AM
5htp?? How does this work? And where can you get it from? Boots and Lloyd's pharmacy don't do it OTC but prescription only.

10-09-2013, 07:38 AM
5htp?? How does this work? And where can you get it from? Boots and Lloyd's pharmacy don't do it OTC but prescription only.

I got mine from Holland&Barrett. Comes in a blue tub. It's quite expensive really, but they do it in the penny sale so you can get 2 for the same price. It's best taken with L-Theanine.

They're amino acids. And precursors to Serotonin (the feel good chemical). They give the brain more of what it needs to make it, as usually people with anxiety/depression are either short in them, or have mis firing neuro transmitters.

They aren't as effective as anti depressants (imo), but are worth a try if you have some spare cash, a little patience and don't want medicine.

10-09-2013, 07:42 AM
Ohhh, just found them on h&b website :D

How long do they take to kick in? Not much details on the website I'm affraid. If it's a couple of days, then ill head to the store now, but if much more then it's not what I need to fact the concert on Saturday.

What's your experience of them?


10-09-2013, 07:42 AM
L-Theanine?? What are these?


10-09-2013, 08:06 AM
They are more for longer term use. And milder anxiety.

But 5htp can put you in a good mood. I took 8 pills once, and got a short term kinda happy mood, they're not bad for that.

For a one off night though, chamomile tea would probably be just as effective and only cost around £1.39 in sainsburys.

10-09-2013, 10:16 AM
So you'd reccormend camomile tea for a few days? Xx