View Full Version : Im dying or have some rate disease i know it!!!!!

10-04-2013, 08:13 AM
I'm having a hard time yesterday I woke up and my arm hurt .. As the day went on I got nauseous light headed my arm hurt and my one big toe was tingling.... Today my arm hurts worse and I freaked out and cried I the way to work cause I felt like I couldn't berth and my air way was closing

10-04-2013, 09:17 AM
I think I speak for most of us on here when I say, WE FEEL YA! Most of us have those symptoms on a daily basis, and have nothing wrong with us. I've had those issues to the point where I had a consultation with a cardiologist last week. He went through a list of 10 risk factors for heart disease, and not one of them applied to me. He said he wanted to do a treadmill stress test (yikes) and an ultrasound of my heart, so I'll be doing that next week. He truly doesn't think there's anything wrong, but wants to prove it to me. Any chance you can see a cardiologist to put your mind at ease?

10-04-2013, 11:13 AM
Already went to one