View Full Version : Fear of being in the car

10-04-2013, 12:54 AM
Hi all, this is a problem I was wondering if anybody had some good tips for.

For the past few months, I have been getting really bad panic attacks when I try and drive, or even if I'm just a passenger. I have been okay being in cars my whole life, but I this is new to me, and for some reason I start to feel incredibly scared if I'm in a car. I start to sweat really bad and my hands go completely numb. I usually have to pull over because I feel like I'm going to vomit. I also hyperventilate really badly and get chest pain. Some days I'm okay in the car, but most of the time I have just completely avoiding situations that require driving.

Does anybody else feel like this while being in the car? Have any tips for getting through the rides? Thanks


10-04-2013, 02:42 AM
Hi I have had problems like this for several years. Like you I felt happy driving until I had a series of panic attacks while driving. I haven't had much luck improving this problem so I would also like to hear any useful ideas. I have tried exposure therapy (and still am) but it hasn't really put much of a dent in it. As far as I know exposure therapy is the main treatment for this problem. I know exactly how you feel though. It really sucks.

Pamela 'Collie' Brawn
10-04-2013, 07:37 AM
Hi all, this is a problem I was wondering if anybody had some good tips for.

For the past few months, I have been getting really bad panic attacks when I try and drive, or even if I'm just a passenger. I have been okay being in cars my whole life, but I this is new to me, and for some reason I start to feel incredibly scared if I'm in a car. I start to sweat really bad and my hands go completely numb. I usually have to pull over because I feel like I'm going to vomit. I also hyperventilate really badly and get chest pain. Some days I'm okay in the car, but most of the time I have just completely avoiding situations that require driving.

Does anybody else feel like this while being in the car? Have any tips for getting through the rides? Thanks


Omg i was sufferjng with this too. In fact my post is futher down.

Only this morning driving to work did i feel more normal.

Have you tried talking to yourself while driving i found it helps a lot. And camomile tea :)

10-04-2013, 08:07 PM
U are not alone. I too have been having issues. The main thing is to keep getting in the car don't avoid it. I was at the point where I couldn't even get out of my driveway..now I am behind the wheel but I need a passenger which is progress. One thing that has helped is keeping ice cold water in the car and when I start to feel myself panic I start sipping the cold water and it helps.

Olive Yew
10-04-2013, 08:45 PM
I did the exposure thing and slowly getting better. My only problem now is long distance. I've found that talking to my mom or boyfriend on handsfree helps a LOT.

However... If it's the car itself that bothers you.... Maybe just try sitting in your car (with the windows open or air on) and just readings or playing on the computer. Something relaxing to get you used to the car again. Then when you drive.... Maybe make sure you have someone with you or on the phone. Also maybe try listening to books on tape. Especially if you start to desensitize yourself by reading in the stationary car. It might help make a connection in your brain and help you relax.

10-04-2013, 09:09 PM
I found going for short drives close to home helps.

I had a panic attack in my car about 6 weeks ago which sparked a depression/anxiety episode in me. So I have been taking longer and longer drives to, I guess, face the fear head on.

Tonight I took the longest drive I have in a while and I got stuck in bumper to bumper traffic, with a friend of a friend in the car (I didn't ever meet them until today). So that added a bit of pressure on top of everything.

I thought for sure I was going to freak out. I imagined having a full blown panic attack and having to ask this person to drive my car while I explained what was happening.

At one point during the ride I thought "great, what if I lose it" which eventually turned into "eff it, bring it on, I don't want to fear you any more."

Guess what? I didn't freak out. I didn't have a panic attack. Did my thoughts race? Sure, but I got through it, had a great 45 min conversation with someone I just met and made it home in one piece.

To sum it up, I think driving short distances helped me and I also think just putting myself in the bad situations with continue to help me get over it. The best advice is, don't avoid it (like tmolf said).

10-04-2013, 11:40 PM
Thanks for the advice everyone! All good ideas, I think I am going to try sitting in my car for a while, and try and do relaxing things. Hopefully it will reminds me that I can be okay in the car.