View Full Version : Mitral Valve Prolapse

10-03-2013, 11:55 PM
Anyone else have this? I have been diagnosed with it in the past, but it seems to come and go. Sometimes they hear it, sometimes they don't. I just wonder if this isn't what's causing these heart flutters to be so bad. I have never had them so frequently...I hate feeling like this is something that will never get better. I know different, but my feelings don't agree :(

10-04-2013, 12:20 AM
Anyone else have this? I have been diagnosed with it in the past, but it seems to come and go. Sometimes they hear it, sometimes they don't. I just wonder if this isn't what's causing these heart flutters to be so bad. I have never had them so frequently...I hate feeling like this is something that will never get better. I know different, but my feelings don't agree :(

Do you feel like a skipped heart sensation?? Because I feel that aswell :/

10-04-2013, 08:13 AM
Leebulldog- yep, that's it. Feels like a little thud or skip in my chest.

10-04-2013, 10:09 AM
I was told earlier this year that I have MVP. The cardiologist said it was very mild but that it could still produce symptoms. He put me on Zebeta 2.5mg daily and it helps for the most part but there are times when I still get the pounding heartbeats, increased heart rate, and many of the other symptoms that come along with it.

10-07-2013, 02:37 AM
Leebulldog- yep, that's it. Feels like a little thud or skip in my chest.

Yea I get them aswell.. I used to get super scared and they used to happen quite a lot.. Now not that much.. But I still get them! I hate them! :/ I hope they go away soon!!

10-07-2013, 10:48 AM
I have MVP as well. However, it's harmless.

The "Thud" you feel is a palpatation, which is another harmless symptom that 100% of human beings feel.

10-07-2013, 11:04 AM
I know they are harmless, but to have them all the time? Is that harmless? It's scary I know that. I am TRYING to make an appt with a cardiologist, but in the mean time I am feeling horrible!!

10-09-2013, 10:08 AM
I used to get them a lot, in fact the more I focuse on them, the more nervous I get, and the more the palpitations happen. Ultimately knowing they're harmless diffuses any fear of them.

And, ultimately, you're going to have to eventually come to the realization that if , and when, the CARDIOLOGIST isn't concerned about them, you may not want to be either. :)

I hope this helps.