View Full Version : Feeling really rough

10-03-2013, 05:34 PM
So I saw a neurologist today. He said I didn't exhibit any signs of psychosis and that I shouldn't worry that I'm going insane. He gave me a new refill set for my celexa and a prescription for xanax for when I really panic. He also said I have to get some MRIs plus see a psychiatrist, which made me a bit nervous. I felt off the whole day from the moment I got into his office, and I had to go directly to university from the appointment (without any medication). I was okay, if not a bit uncomfortable, at school until one of my classes started.

I suddenly became EXTREMELY scared, I was just consumed with terror. It was the worst attack I've ever had, I think. I felt like I was dying right there, and all I wanted to do was scream and cry and get out. I felt like I was about to snap and go insane right there. I kept thinking of my neurologist asking me about any potential psychosis symptoms, and that just made it worse. It was terrible. Words and sentences started to confuse me and my muscles kept tensing up and I felt like I wasn't thinking straight. I felt like I was losing my grip on reality and it was terrifying me! I thought I'd never get out.

I finally came down a little while after class ended feeling like I just escaped death itself. I was bawling in a mix of fear over what happened and relief that it was over. It was so terrifying, and I've been feeling rattled ever since. I'm so terrified of cracking up. And I still don't have my medicine because the pharmacy is giving me a hard time about my prescriptions :(((( I'm also really mad because I had a pretty good day yesterday. I went to bed practically smiling because I felt so good for the first time in ages. Today I completely fell apart and can't seem to pick myself up.

I'm quite scared. My thoughts are all jumbled and words keep bouncing around in my head and I generally feel really depressed and worried and mildly disoriented. Anybody else having a rough patch lately?

10-03-2013, 07:54 PM
OMG..u sound just like me.....this all started 4 -month's ago..my MAIN anxiety,panic,depression surround around me going insane, or psychosis....thats it that's what I feel like...I mean I lost 20- pounds I was not functioning..everything like u...I feel just like u... I promise my life evolves around my xanax

10-03-2013, 07:58 PM
Yes. Last night was awful for me and will haunt me for a while. I just pray I don't have another night like that in a long time. Ugh, I don't even want to think about it, but I feel you.

It's weird because I was starting to feel so much better than this week just threw me a curveball. I think it is harder when you have a good day and then have a terrible one. Those feel worse.

Hang in there, we will get through this and hopefully soon.

Olive Yew
10-03-2013, 08:07 PM
This was me two months ago. So. Bad. But i was terrified of dying from some horrible disease instead of going crazy. The crazy thoughts came briefly a few times but it was mostly medical anxiety. I'm well on my way to recovery thought. I've been rather uneasy tonight but Tuesdays and Thursdays are always hard days for me. But i've done a lot of things to boost my serotonin levels in natural ways (supplements and stuff, no meds) so most of my symptoms now are like... Shadows or ghosts of what they used to be. I am SO sorry you have to go through it though. It's some of the worst feelings I've ever had in my life, I wouldn't even wish it on my enemies. Hang in there you two. There's light at the end of this tunnel, you're just behind a bend in the tunnel right now. Stay strong.

Olive Yew
10-03-2013, 08:09 PM
Also, I found that with every panic attack, I tend to feel better. It's like ripping out stitches in a bad seam. With every stitch it gets just a little better but when it's happening, it's horrible.