View Full Version : Advice ?

10-03-2013, 02:20 PM
Hello everyone anyone able to give me any advice or even going through the same.... Well a want to make a really long story short I split for my ex of 7 year last year and I have never really been able to get over it properly which I think caused my depression and anxiety. I really didn't eat properly for about a year would refuse food because I wanted the perfect body 😖 stupid me, it actually made me quite ill, moving on now I have just started eating properly infact I eat more than enough now loads in fact but I can't seem to put on any weight people keep saying to me the ones who haven't seen me in a wile "my god you have lost weight" this worries me having health anxiety I automatically panic thinking something is seriously wrong with me..... Anyone relate or even give me a bit of advice ? Thanks

10-03-2013, 03:33 PM
Sorry about your ex. Was it her decision?

How many calories do you eat on average day?

10-03-2013, 03:44 PM
Sorry about your ex. Was it her decision? How many calories do you eat on average day?

Well it's was both really she was cheating a lot so I couldn't cope!

I eat around 2000-3000 a day don't understand how I can't put weight on. Thank you for the reply

10-16-2013, 06:34 PM
Iv just come across this and I totally get where u are coming from. I had problems with my bf and in the end he left me because of my anxiety. I had stopped eating for a while as I believed if I had no food in me I couldn't be sick with my anxiety so there for I had control. It took me a very long time to realise what I was doing was damage and not helping me. I lost so much weight people thought I was anorexic I constantly had my family telling me I was too thin and needed to eat. Problem was I was actually eating and nothing happened. And to this day I'm still eating and in 2 years iv only put on a stone. I personally believe most people with anxiety have a fast metabolism because our bodies are constantly on the go.

And if u think about it people who suffer with ibs and dodgy tummies with anxiety sometimes the food goes straight through our bodies.

As long as u eat healthy and drink plenty try not to keep lookin at ur body and asking why ur not gaining weight because u know u are eating food and ur not anorexic or anything like that and trust me the weight will creep back up.

I'm only 23 and I still have the rest of my life to live and I know how u feel.

10-16-2013, 06:37 PM
Iv just come across this and I totally get where u are coming from. I had problems with my bf and in the end he left me because of my anxiety. I had stopped eating for a while as I believed if I had no food in me I couldn't be sick with my anxiety so there for I had control. It took me a very long time to realise what I was doing was damage and not helping me. I lost so much weight people thought I was anorexic I constantly had my family telling me I was too thin and needed to eat. Problem was I was actually eating and nothing happened. And to this day I'm still eating and in 2 years iv only put on a stone. I personally believe most people with anxiety have a fast metabolism because our bodies are constantly on the go.

And if u think about it people who suffer with ibs and dodgy tummies with anxiety sometimes the food goes straight through our bodies.

As long as u eat healthy and drink plenty try not to keep lookin at ur body and asking why ur not gaining weight because u know u are eating food and ur not anorexic or anything like that and trust me the weight will creep back up.

I'm only 23 and I still have the rest of my life to live and I know how u feel.

Are you really little? Like 5'1 or something?

I hope you get back into the groove soon.

10-16-2013, 06:50 PM
Why do u ask that?

10-16-2013, 06:58 PM
Why do u ask that?

Wondering if your screen name is about you I guess.

I call my nephew little one... He's like a foot tall xD