View Full Version : question for people who have or had chest pain/discomfort

10-03-2013, 07:24 AM
i ve had this a year now daily just wondering how long other suffers have had this?? also i ve noticed if i move or stretch a certain way i feel the discomfort more would that indicate its a muscular problem? like everyone who has this i think its my heart even tho ive had 3 ekgs and bloodwork and i am only 24 so its driving me mad to be honest.
thanks for listening

10-03-2013, 07:47 AM
I've had it all my life, but it's because I have pectus excavatum, not anxiety related.. It's where you have an indent or a dip in your chest. I'm going to have to get surgery soon because my rib cage is retraining my heart from beating and my lungs from expanding. Not to mention the indent looks really weird.

10-03-2013, 08:56 AM
Have you investigated your digestive system? Gas and bloating, and various other digestions issues, can feel like chest pain. May be something else to cross off the list?