View Full Version : Extremely anxious - flying tomorrow

10-03-2013, 03:03 AM
Flying tomorrow morning for 8 hours and feel soooo terrible today.

Just "checked-in" and weather on arrival is thunderstorms. This has made is 100% worse. Sat at work just checking weather forecasts from one site to another, praying for better weather. Sat at my desk shaking.

10-03-2013, 05:31 AM
I know this might be easier said than done but try to focus on the arriving part of the journey rather than the actually flight - are you going on holiday? Plan what you are going to do when you are there take some time to do some relaxation and picture yourself having fun and being happy on your holiday or whatever you are flying for

10-03-2013, 07:04 AM
If you worried about the plane, it's designed to handle about triple(at least) the worst it will ever see in the form or turbulence, etc. The most dangerous part will be the drive too/from the airport. That's the truth too. :) Alankay

10-03-2013, 08:44 AM
Do not worry take a pill and you are going to be ok. I have terrible fear of flying and going back to homeland is just awful. Maybe this is why I went overseas just once in the last 20 years.....

10-03-2013, 12:08 PM
Hi chuckie, I really know how you feel!!! But I think you said you have some Valium to take, so that will definitely help. I'm wondering if it might even be worth taking one tonight, so you are able to get some sleep. When you wake up tomorrow you can tell yourself that the next time you wake up you will already have made the flight and you will be at your destination! Yay!!! You can do this!!!

10-04-2013, 06:30 PM
Wondering how you made out. I'm flying on Monday, also very nervous. It's my first time in over 10 years. But it's for my one year wedding anniversary so I'm a little excited too.