View Full Version : Heart palpitations or not?

Mason King
10-02-2013, 09:06 PM
Hi, I'm a twenty year old male. So I've, for a while now, been very aware of my heartbeat; I am tall and thin. To make a long story short, I feel, at times, mostly upon exhaling and right before I begin to inhale, my heart rhythm slow dramatically. For the sake of explaining thoroughly let's say my heart rate is 60BPM, so one beat per second. I will have what seems 3 or 4 sequential, one second apart heart beats, followed by a heart beat that seems off-time, late, and anticipated lol. It seems the last beat is a half second or even a whole second off the rhythm of my previous beats, and usually beats slightly harder.

I do realize that heart rate increases and slows throughout the day. However, I feel this frequent, constant, and noticeable irregularity to be throwing my anxiety through the heavens, which in this case, does not help the palpitations; if that is in fact what these are.

A strange thing to note: I can seem to actually force their occurrence. I don't know if this is a skill, or a danger, but if say, I am having an anxiety attack, or feel my heart rate increase, I can relax, exhale calmly, and wait for my heart to slow and well...skip. I've just done it now, writing this: One...two...three..................Four...One

I do trust my body, and assume it's not out looking for some heart disease. But I just need to know if this is normal function for the heart of a twenty year old? I don't exercise; a haul up six flights of stairs and I'm pooped (including heavy heart beat and a bit winded.) I try to eat healthily, but it's hard here at college, not having money, or a proper kitchen.

Any help is appreciated.