View Full Version : Going through a rough patch

10-02-2013, 10:41 AM
I'd been doing quite well managing my anxiety for quite some time, but I feel like I've now hit a rough patch.

I think I have a chest cold. The reason I'm not sure is because I feel like I've gotten to the point where I can't always distinguish between anxiety related symptoms and true sickness symptoms. Can any of you relate? I have no appetite, a weird feeling in my chest...not pain...just a slight cough where I can feel a little mucus in the back of my throat, kind of a fullness in the chest area. One of my lymph nodes feels a little swollen.I feel a little lightheadedness but I've never passed out. I checked my bp and pulse and its fine....122/86 heart rate 86. I took my dose of buspar this morning. ...but still feeling the same. Last night I got a touch of vertigo. It went away this morning once I woke up. Do I just need to take a dose of xanax and try to relax?

10-02-2013, 11:06 AM
Try relaxing first with the xanax. None of your symptoms are super serious and all sound like they could be anxiety.

I also suffer this same problem. I get scared when trying new foods and medications that I am having an allergic reaction all the time. I touch my throat and I literally can't tell whether or not it's swollen. I feel like I'm being choked and my throat is closing, but it's always been just my anxiety.

10-02-2013, 11:23 AM
Try relaxing first with the xanax. None of your symptoms are super serious and all sound like they could be anxiety.

I also suffer this same problem. I get scared when trying new foods and medications that I am having an allergic reaction all the time. I touch my throat and I literally can't tell whether or not it's swollen. I feel like I'm being choked and my throat is closing, but it's always been just my anxiety.

Thank you for your response. I think it could truly be anxiety. ..but sometimes its hard to tell anymore.

10-02-2013, 11:34 AM
Swollen lymph nodes, chest fullness/tingling, and vertigo/dizziness are all things you can experience with a cold. Just remind yourself that is what makes the most sense. The dizziness comes from fluid in the inner ear, which can happen when you get sick. I've had it so many times, and it freaks me out, so I know it's hard to stay calm! Hope you feel better soon!

10-02-2013, 11:50 AM
Swollen lymph nodes, chest fullness/tingling, and vertigo/dizziness are all things you can experience with a cold. Just remind yourself that is what makes the most sense. The dizziness comes from fluid in the inner ear, which can happen when you get sick. I've had it so many times, and it freaks me out, so I know it's hard to stay calm! Hope you feel better soon!

Thank you. Sometimes I just need others to confirm that it's just the anxiety causing me to think the worst. I have a gala to go to tonight. ..I just want to have to have a good time....