View Full Version : not happy

10-02-2013, 10:32 AM
came all the way to a and e with my 11 month old son told the lady about my constant chest pain arm pain hand pain and shortness of breathe I said I don't think it's anxiety cos I never feel anxious she said my bp heart rate and ox levels were good hb was 89 ox 99 ears all good... said they'd do an ECG and bloods so went to wait outside and then got called in by a doctor who was quite snotty about it all he done was check my chest and back and said since it's chronic they won't do anything go back to gp even tho they never help me :( and they're only there to help for people who really need it. and who have accidents and emergencies. isn't chest pain arm pain and short of breathe emergency?

10-02-2013, 10:33 AM
he says he can just reassure me I won't keel over anytime soon but I'd of been more re assured if he did what the lady said the would I says to them I don't think it's anxiety as I never feel anxious much and he says younger people some do suffer chest pains but it's not bad (forgot what it's called)