View Full Version : I need some advice on how to proceed...

10-02-2013, 07:45 AM
Hello everyone,

A preemptive thank you for anyone who reads through this and decides to offer advice...i'm really at a loss here...

I've been suffering from escalating GAD for about 2 years now. I've been really adamant about staying away from Rx meds up until this point, so for the past 2 years i've tried every herbal anxiety remedy and blend under the sun...and while they have helped, they just haven't been enough.

My anxiety is the kind that perpetuates itself in a vicious circle because I only get anxiety at the thought of having anxiety or having a panic attack. I don't have panic attacks often at all, like maybe twice a year...but the anxiety is still constant. It is a constant thought in my head and it has become obvious that the only way to escape it is to break the negative thought cycle my brain has been trained into.

I went to the doctor a couple weeks ago and was prescribed Paxil and Klonopin. I discontinued the Paxil after 2 days because of all the negative feedback I read on the internet, and also because I did not like the way it was making me feel. The klonopin is great but I am also very hesitant to use it because of horror stories of addiction (using 2 .25 halves once a week at this point).

I have a follow up appt with the doc scheduled in 2 weeks but I'm sure he's going to just prescribe another SSRI...and i'm just so hesitant about using them. It'd be great if I could treat it with .25 klonopin daily but I know that is a dangerous game to play as well. Holistic medicine helps but after 2 years it is obvious, will not be the "cure", meditation...same thing.

No insurance, 26 years old supporting a stay at home mom and a 3 year old son...cant afford therapy...someone who has been in my shoes...please advise...

10-02-2013, 09:36 AM
Cry Freedom,

I have been on klonopin for 18 years. I suffer from anxiety, have since I was a kid. Went to a therapist, was prescribed klonopin. I think I take 2mg a day. I went off of it recently for 8 weeks, really just to see if I could. I did with only minor discomfort. I'm going back on it, however, because I find it does help me. I also use Xanax for when I feel especially stressed. At one point I took Xanax before going to bed for a whole two years, and then decided that I didn't need it, and had no trouble going off of it, and now use it, as I mentioned above, only when needed.

I say all this to let you know that while there may be horror stories out there, there are also success stories. I also use Zoloft by the way, an ssri. Also, no side effects. So here's my take: These drugs do work, but they are not a cure-all. They help me function normally; they keep my anxiety at bay. They do not put me on cloud 9, or make me feel loopy. I think the klonopin corrects a chemical imbalance.

I still get stressed or afraid. It's just not debilitating or all-consuming.

Are the drugs addictive? That's an interesting question. I would say that if the drug works, and if the dosage remains constant, and the patient does not increase the dosage to get some sort of high, then it's not addictive for that patient. It's important to know the limitations of a drug, what it can and can't do. There's no shame in being on a drug. Just like there's no shame in having a beer with dinner. It's a question of moderation and staying true to one's self.

I will also say that you are also in a stressful situation that will eventually get better. The insurance exchanges have opened in the US, so see if you can sign up for insurance, and yes, it would be really challenging to be 26 years old and responsible for both your mother and your child. In other words, it makes sense that you are stressed.

My advice is to stick with the klonopin, see if it helps you. Others may disagree, you may disagree, but just wanted to share my experience with you.

10-02-2013, 09:51 AM
Cry Freedom,

I have been on klonopin for 18 years. I suffer from anxiety, have since I was a kid. Went to a therapist, was prescribed klonopin. I think I take 2mg a day. I went off of it recently for 8 weeks, really just to see if I could. I did with only minor discomfort. I'm going back on it, however, because I find it does help me. I also use Xanax for when I feel especially stressed. At one point I took Xanax before going to bed for a whole two years, and then decided that I didn't need it, and had no trouble going off of it, and now use it, as I mentioned above, only when needed.

I say all this to let you know that while there may be horror stories out there, there are also success stories. I also use Zoloft by the way, an ssri. Also, no side effects. So here's my take: These drugs do work, but they are not a cure-all. They help me function normally; they keep my anxiety at bay. They do not put me on cloud 9, or make me feel loopy. I think the klonopin corrects a chemical imbalance.

I still get stressed or afraid. It's just not debilitating or all-consuming.

Are the drugs addictive? That's an interesting question. I would say that if the drug works, and if the dosage remains constant, and the patient does not increase the dosage to get some sort of high, then it's not addictive for that patient. It's important to know the limitations of a drug, what it can and can't do. There's no shame in being on a drug. Just like there's no shame in having a beer with dinner. It's a question of moderation and staying true to one's self.

I will also say that you are also in a stressful situation that will eventually get better. The insurance exchanges have opened in the US, so see if you can sign up for insurance, and yes, it would be really challenging to be 26 years old and responsible for both your mother and your child. In other words, it makes sense that you are stressed.

My advice is to stick with the klonopin, see if it helps you. Others may disagree, you may disagree, but just wanted to share my experience with you.

Thank you for taking them time to reply...I really appreciate it. Do you feel, in your experience, anxiety could be treated by Klonopin alone or do you feel it is only beneficial when used in conjunction with an SSRI? I ask because the idea of taking a pill daily for a long period of time scares me...but I could get much more used to the idea of doing that with one pill as opposed to two.

10-02-2013, 10:18 AM
I have taken Klonopin off and on for about 10 years now. Sometimes I take it daily and sometimes I don't touch it for months. It is less addictive than Xanax. It has been a life saver in times of pure panic attacks. Often I break a 1 MG in half or even a quarter and it works. I wouldn't be too scared of it.

Paxil is an SSRI and they do help a lot of people. I cannot take them and understand why you were scared. What was happening that scared you besides stuff you read on the internet. No matter what drug you take you will find scary stuff on the internet.

Good Luck to you!

10-02-2013, 11:04 AM
I'm in therapy right now, even though I don't have very much money. If you can find student therapists in your area, which is what I am using, they are a lot cheaper than other therapists and they are also really good because they discuss their cases with each other behind the scenes and their teachers, so they have a lot of people helping them. Just a possible suggestion for you. Do with it what you will. I just know therapy has helped me A LOT.

10-02-2013, 11:47 AM
Hello everyone,

A preemptive thank you for anyone who reads through this and decides to offer advice...i'm really at a loss here...

I've been suffering from escalating GAD for about 2 years now. I've been really adamant about staying away from Rx meds up until this point, so for the past 2 years i've tried every herbal anxiety remedy and blend under the sun...and while they have helped, they just haven't been enough.

My anxiety is the kind that perpetuates itself in a vicious circle because I only get anxiety at the thought of having anxiety or having a panic attack. I don't have panic attacks often at all, like maybe twice a year...but the anxiety is still constant. It is a constant thought in my head and it has become obvious that the only way to escape it is to break the negative thought cycle my brain has been trained into.

I went to the doctor a couple weeks ago and was prescribed Paxil and Klonopin. I discontinued the Paxil after 2 days because of all the negative feedback I read on the internet, and also because I did not like the way it was making me feel. The klonopin is great but I am also very hesitant to use it because of horror stories of addiction (using 2 .25 halves once a week at this point).

I have a follow up appt with the doc scheduled in 2 weeks but I'm sure he's going to just prescribe another SSRI...and i'm just so hesitant about using them. It'd be great if I could treat it with .25 klonopin daily but I know that is a dangerous game to play as well. Holistic medicine helps but after 2 years it is obvious, will not be the "cure", meditation...same thing.

No insurance, 26 years old supporting a stay at home mom and a 3 year old son...cant afford therapy...someone who has been in my shoes...please advise...

Sorry to hear you are struggling! I think many of us can relate to a lot of what you said. The thought of attacks is one of the biggest triggers! I haven't had a panic attack since earlier last year, but it's an every day struggle for me, with symptoms. I haven't had many full-blown attacks, but I have been worn down from day after day of trying to avoid it, and thinking about it. I just started Wellbutrin last week, which is a non-SSRI med. Honestly, the first week sucked. Yesterday was the first day that I felt like maybe it'll chill out soon. My anxiety has definitely been worse, but my mood/patience level/energy has been good. And I don't want to go back to how I felt before, so I'm trying to hang in there. Most people have told me it takes several weeks for a med to work. I'll keep you posted, if you'd like, since we seem to have similar stories, and we are both NOT excited about taking meds. lol :)

10-02-2013, 12:23 PM
Hi Cryfreedom, Sorry you're having a rough time. I agree with everything that's been said here. I think all of us were very wary of psychiatric medication to start with. Like many others here, I also resisted medication for a long time and tried other options. But they weren't sufficient to treat my depression and anxiety and finally it got to a point where I was willing to give psychiatric meds a go because I felt so bad and realized I couldn't go on the way I was. So you are definitely not alone with feeling reluctant to take meds.

Also, there are so many myths about anti-depressants. But the truth is, as Perses says, they aren't "happy pills", nor do they take away all your fears and sadness. But they do allow you to function again, and for someone who has been paralyzed by depression and anxiety, being able to function again is huge!! In the best case scenario, anti-depressants allow you to go back to being the person you were before the anxiety and depression struck. It's true they don't work for everyone. But the only way to find out if they will work for you is to give them a go. And if the first one doesn't work, then it's still worth trying a different medication. For many of us, it's a trial and error process to find the right medication or combination of medications.

Anyhow, if I were you I would not shy away from trying a second anti-depressant (I didn't like Paxil either). I can't comment on benzo's because I only take them once in a blue moon in dire emergencies, but many people here take them regularly and do just fine.

This site is a great place to check in with other folks about medication issues (or any other anxiety issues) so let us know how you're doing! Good luck to you!

10-02-2013, 12:37 PM
Sorry to hear you are struggling! I think many of us can relate to a lot of what you said. The thought of attacks is one of the biggest triggers! I haven't had a panic attack since earlier last year, but it's an every day struggle for me, with symptoms. I haven't had many full-blown attacks, but I have been worn down from day after day of trying to avoid it, and thinking about it. I just started Wellbutrin last week, which is a non-SSRI med. Honestly, the first week sucked. Yesterday was the first day that I felt like maybe it'll chill out soon. My anxiety has definitely been worse, but my mood/patience level/energy has been good. And I don't want to go back to how I felt before, so I'm trying to hang in there. Most people have told me it takes several weeks for a med to work. I'll keep you posted, if you'd like, since we seem to have similar stories, and we are both NOT excited about taking meds. lol :)

Please let me know how they are working for you in a week or so as I will mention Wellbutrin to my doctor if it is working for you : )

and thank you to everyone else contributing sometimes just hearing other peoples thoughts who are going through, or have gone through, the same thing is helpful...

10-02-2013, 02:06 PM
Yes GAD by the sound of it. I'd say Paxil is hard to stop only from higher doses but Zoloft would be better in that regard and maybe why it's the most prescribed Ssri. Ask about his thoughts about switching to it. I think the doc would like to see you give an Ssri a long and fair trial(2 months minimum) and I agree with the approach. Work with him if you can on this as he'll more likely do the same over time which is important. Overtime the Ssri will likely make you less anxious and need less klonpin. Have you had any talks with a therapist? Alankay

10-02-2013, 02:50 PM
Cry Freedom,

I don't find that Zoloft works on my anxiety, just clonazepam. It does take 3 weeks or so for Zoloft to work. It's really no big deal to take pills every day.

10-02-2013, 05:15 PM
Yes GAD by the sound of it. I'd say Paxil is hard to stop only from higher doses but Zoloft would be better in that regard and maybe why it's the most prescribed Ssri. Ask about his thoughts about switching to it. I think the doc would like to see you give an Ssri a long and fair trial(2 months minimum) and I agree with the approach. Work with him if you can on this as he'll more likely do the same over time which is important. Overtime the Ssri will likely make you less anxious and need less klonpin. Have you had any talks with a therapist? Alankay

Haven't talked to a therapist. Money is definitely an issue and between the doctor visits and prescriptions I really cant afford a therapist.

Anyone else have any experience with Zoloft? I'd like to go in to my next appointment armed with some knowledge..at least more knowledge than I had at my last appointment...

10-02-2013, 05:41 PM
Haven't talked to a therapist. Money is definitely an issue and between the doctor visits and prescriptions I really cant afford a therapist.

Anyone else have any experience with Zoloft? I'd like to go in to my next appointment armed with some knowledge..at least more knowledge than I had at my last appointment...

I took Zoloft for many years and it definitely helped bring my panic attacks under control, though I continued to have some Generalized Anxiety (not nearly as bad as the panic attacks though). I tolerated Zoloft really well and had virtually no side effects. I switched recently to Lexapro because I was hoping for more help with my GAD, as well as my depression. Honestly though, I feel the same as I did on the Zoloft.

At any rate, obviously, everyone experiences these medications differently. I really hope you find something that helps!