View Full Version : Sertraline advice

10-02-2013, 02:39 AM
Hi everyone, just posting as a follow up to a thread I did recently titled "sever presentation anxiety". I would link it but I haven't posted enough times to do it.

I explained the situation to a doctor and they were about to give me beta blockers which sounded perfect for my situation, just taking a pill an hour before to calm me down when I need to do a presentation.
Turns out it is really bad for asthmatics so there is no chance I can use them as I have a history of it, even though I haven't touched an inhaler for nearly a year.

I was pretty gutted because I don't want to take meds for ages, I just want to get out of this vicious cycle I've got myself in. My doctor instead gave me Sertraline and reassured me that it shouldn't affect my personality or how I feel, just hopefully calm me down in situations where anxiety gets a bit too much.

I have to take one dose per night for a month just to see how it goes but I'm a bit skeptical and worried because it's an antidepressant and I have to be taking it regularly.

So the couple of questions I had were has anyone else got experience with it to share?
Plus, i was told by her I should be fine on nights out drinking (I'm fine in most social situations, it's just presenting and stuff!) but I should go careful the first couple of times I go out.
Anyone got any advice on that?

Thanks for the help in the other post and thanks in advance for this!

10-02-2013, 04:29 AM
Yes asthma and beta blockers don not go together. You can ask about clonodine(an alpha blocker) which can be taken just as you would the beta blocker. Might help. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clonidine. Read through and you see off label uses for anxiety.
Yes limited use of a benzo would also help if your doc is open to it and the anxiety causes you enought distress.
Using the meds can help you get used to presentations over time and you will use less or none eventually.

10-02-2013, 05:28 AM
Ok thanks, it might sound silly but I have got a few presentations coming up this month so I was going to take the medication and see how it goes, hopefully get me out of this situation. So yeah thanks for the suggestions but I'm going to stick with this for now, anyone know what they are like?

10-02-2013, 08:11 AM
It won't make you feel different at all. Just maybe make you worry less and react less to the stress of the presentation. Takes time to work. I thought it was fine but it made me snack too much so back to fluoxetine I went which is best for me. Alankay

10-03-2013, 03:32 PM
thanks for the advice alan, really appreciate it.
Anyone else got any answers to my questions?
would love to hear some peoples experiences

10-03-2013, 03:45 PM
thanks for the advice alan, really appreciate it.
Anyone else got any answers to my questions?
would love to hear some peoples experiences

Hello Michael I have been on setraline 50mg once a day for about four months now and it's been fab,I've had no side affects at all,I have a few glasses of wine and I'm fine please message me if you have any questions :)

10-03-2013, 03:56 PM
Hello Michael I have been on setraline 50mg once a day for about four months now and it's been fab,I've had no side affects at all,I have a few glasses of wine and I'm fine please message me if you have any questions :)

Thanks for the response :)
it might sound silly but i'm only taking this because my social anxiety gets ridiculously bad when speaking up to a group and even worse when presenting. My doctor said it should reduce the symptoms of anxiety in these situations and hopefully boost my natural confidence.

Other than these situations, anxiety rarely troubles me and I love a night out with a fair bit of drinking. I know I can't go mad while on these medicines but I'm hoping to be off them within 2 months. such a tiny concern compared to over people who suffer anxiety much more than me, but ive got two good mates 21st's coming up soon and i'm just concerned about drinking too much. the first one isnt for another two weeks so I'll be feeling the effects of these meds i hope.

10-03-2013, 04:08 PM
Thanks for the response :)
it might sound silly but i'm only taking this because my social anxiety gets ridiculously bad when speaking up to a group and even worse when presenting. My doctor said it should reduce the symptoms of anxiety in these situations and hopefully boost my natural confidence.

Other than these situations, anxiety rarely troubles me and I love a night out with a fair bit of drinking. I know I can't go mad while on these medicines but I'm hoping to be off them within 2 months. such a tiny concern compared to over people who suffer anxiety much more than me, but ive got two good mates 21st's coming up soon and i'm just concerned about drinking too much. the first one isnt for another two weeks so I'll be feeling the effects of these meds i hope.

Well they will help you and no you won't go mad on them at all lol